Stuart Turner pump 22mm to 15mm pipework

28 Jul 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi there

I brought a universal 4.0 stuart turner pump (based on advice from stuart turner) as I have a hansgrohe raindance shower head.

Have been told by my plumber that this is too powerful as I only have 15mm pipework in the house. He's recommended that I buy a 2.0 twin bar positive head pump instead - looking at stuart turner again.

However, can I attach the ST to my existing 15mm pipework as ST say that this is not adviseable.

Or is there an alternative pump that would work better?


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However, can I attach the ST to my existing 15mm pipework as ST say that this is not adviseable.

Stuart Turner are the best pumps (IMO)

Your plumber has told you it's too powerful, Stuart Turner have told you you can not fit to 15mm.

So return the pump or sell it on ebay and buy the 2bar pump.

I brought a universal 4.0 stuart turner pump (based on advice from stuart turner) as I have a hansgrohe raindance shower head.

He probably told them that he had a rain shower head and they recommend the 4bar pump, not knowing the OP had 15mm pipe work.

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Spoke with ST earlier today they said you need 22mm pipework through out.

However when i called salamander they said there house pump would work provided that the feed into the pump was 22mm and there was reducers on the output to turn it into 15m it would be ok. (would also need to put an essex flange into the hot water cylinder)

My preference is to get the ST, but ST are saying that the whole house to be 22mm, do we reckon it would work like the salamander (22mm in and 15mm out?)
(would also need to put an essex flange into the hot water cylinder)
Surrey/Warix would probably be easier to fit.

do we reckon it would work like the salamander (22mm in and 15mm out?)
At some point you will be reducing the bore size as, almost certainly, your shower will be 1/2" connections, but if ST say 22mm pipework throughout you might invalidate the warranty by exiting the pump in 15mm pipe.

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