Swine flu jab deaths

27 Oct 2009
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United Kingdom
In the press recently there has been a number of articles regarding complications and deaths after swine flu injections especially when combined with the seasonal flu jab.
On friday the brother in laws partner(mid 40`s) had this combined injection saturday she feels rough and collapses with brain hemorrhage .
Well machines turned off last night and she passed away.

Googling side affects you see its a world wide problem with various countries banning it for various age groups etc due to various side affects.

Is it a money saving thing where the combination of various vaccines results in a different result in certain people and not being properly tested . Bit like the MMR cover up

I know for certain me and any any of mine will never have it
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I am very sorry for your loss

But the MMR scandal was that a lot more kids got sick or died because they didn't have the jab, due to unjustified hysteria hyped up just to sell papers.
Trouble is john the figures can be doctored to hide the true figures how many kids that had a reaction and defects to MMR where listed as something completely different too many lies told by the government departments.

I see Joe90 intelligent reply has been removed i didnt report it as no offence was taken just made him look stupid
Statistics can be doctored to give any result according to the way figures are collated. The only decision is "do I want a vaccine or will I let nature deal with it". And regarding the claims about deaths before MMR, we always had "measelsparties" "chickenpox parties" etc. i.e. one caught it, so all the kids in the area caught it. Result - all of us immune!
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had my jab last week, nothing will put me off. more people will die from not having it
It's sad when this happened :cry:

I know for certain me and any any of mine will never have it
I don't blame you, the way I see it is, if you eat healthy and rarely get flu then I would say the flu jab is not necessary, a healthy body should naturally fight off many difference type of infections
Trouble is john the figures can be doctored to hide the true figures how many kids that had a reaction and defects to MMR where listed as something completely different too many lies told by the government departments.

I see Joe90 intelligent reply has been removed i didnt report it as no offence was taken just made him look stupid

The MMR doctor was struck off for malpractice.
Joe you are certainly showing yourself up to be the pr#ck most people think you are.
By your half witted reply this morning which was removed you cant even work out that a brother in law could be my wifes brother,
You come on and try and goad someone who may be grieving (as it happens im not)as it could possibly give you that little bit of satisfaction that you come in your pants with the excitement of it.
I never said it was definitly linked but pointed out there has been a lot in the news recently regarding the vaccine and less than 24 hours later someone dropped down dead after receiving it.
Glad you believe everything your government tells you.

As for grieving i know a man and several brothers that are and would not think twice of ripping your head off and sh#ting down your scrawny neck ,
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