There's a rat in mi kitchen

If you look more carefully, you'll see why it's hidden itself behind the red cross
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I sympathise, read this

I also found a mouse living in trunking, we knew it was living there by the nine baby mice i found
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I have an old rat trap in the garden, just went out side and it has a rat in it

want to see? (no its not a joke, i have only just got up)
Traps are the best way to go - you know exactly where the dead rat/mouse is. As I've mentioned on Tony's squirrel post, they usually die somewhere innaccessible and then smell pretty bad.

Try B&Q for rat traps (like mouse traps but bigger).

Or if you wan't to do a few at a time try a monarch
breezer said:
I have an old rat trap in the garden, just went out side and it has a rat in it

want to see? (no its not a joke, i have only just got up)


you've only just got up?! :eek:
BoxBasher said:
Try B&Q for rat traps (like mouse traps but bigger).

they are.


as you can see I have both

oh, and remeber i said there was mice in trunking


the pink thing is the back end of a baby mose sticking out after i removed the trunking lid

in all 9 fell out, and being me i just had to put a note on the bucket i collected them in.

9 blind mice
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