Too much "stuff" running

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
I am on XP.

Perhaps someone will know some answers off-hand before i start trudging through the interweb.

I think I have some processes running that I don't need and are slowing me down.

Is there an approach I can take to stopping them? I don't want to actually remove them unless I know what they are.

If I have a look in Windows Task Manager, the only apps I have running are IE and Outlook Express, which is fine, but I have heaps of processes running.

In order of memory usage, I don't know what are:
svchost (Network service) eh? I'm not on a network?
svchost (Network service) eh? Again?
svchost (good grief! again?)

and some others that look smaller, or that I recognise

ACCTmgr and CCApp (I think) are two that I often get message about on closedown, saying they won't close or aren't responding.

I also have SIS Raid running (shown in taskbar) but I only have one disk in at the moment, so surely this is not doing anything useful?
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Forget about looking in the Taskmanager List for now.
What you need to do is stop a lot of programs from starting when you boot up. If you can prevent unwanted programs starting then your PC will bootup quicker and it will also run quicker as these will not be running in the background. They will start as and when you need them by clicking their shortcut, it may take a moment longer for them to get up to speed but that is worth it so as to have a faster computer most of the time.

Go to BlackViper and scroll down to 'Notes for a Happier Computer' for instructions to check out what is starting when you boot up.:

I know he does not recommend altering the Startup list in 'msconfig' but you can have a look and see what is actually starting the minute you turn on the power.
Gp to Start -> Run -> type msconfig in the box -> OK
In the Configuration window click the Startup Tab.

Write down everything in the list and check it out against the list here:
If you untick the ones that are not needed and click Apply -> OK, a window will appear to 'Restart your Computer'. Ckick OK.
On restart a window will appear saying that you have altered the Configuration, just tick the box at the bottom 'Do not show this again' and click OK.

You should notice a difference in your computer from now.
If a program that you normally use at startup is not running just gop back to msconfig and tick it and reboot.

Thanks. I looked them all up, he does not have an entry for ExifLauncher and I don't know what that is :confused:

From what you say, I gather deleting from msconfig is not recommended. is there a safer way to access the startups?

I have listed all the stuff I found in msconfig, I have put in bold all the ones i intend to remove. Does anything strike you as being Not a Good Idea?

sraid - Related to the SIS_RAID system from Silicon Integrated Systems.

smax4pnp - SoundMax integrated sound. Required if you have custom settings for your sound, such as effects and environments

smax4 - System Tray icon for SoundMax integrated sound. Sound properties can be accessed through the Start Menu or Control Panel

DirectCD - DirectCD primarily allows you to drag and drop files onto a suitably formatted CD-RW disc. Unless you use this on a frequent basis it isn't required and is available via Start -> Programs. Start the program before inserting a DirectCD formatted CD-RW in the drive. A re-boot is recommended if you close Adaptec DirectCD before re-opening it again later

GhostStartTrayApp - System Tray access to Norton Ghost - added from the 2003 version I seldom Ghost and I presume I can access it from starting Systemworks

AcctMgr - Norton™ Password Manager - part of Norton SystemWorks 2004 - stores passwords

SiSUSBrg - SiS USB Registry Patch File - fixes the undetectable problem with SiS USB controller on Windows XP

Oplmsb01 -OKI Printer language support monitor

MSASCui - Related to Windows_Defender Microsoft (Anti-spyware) Tool. Note: Windows XP, 2000 and 2003 and up.

Monitor - is in c:\windows\Pixart\Pac207\Monitor.exe Related to PC_Camera monitor from Asound International Inc. Note: located in \%WINDIR%\PixArt\PAC207\ Does this mean Webcam? I seldom use it

jusched - Checks with Sun's Java updates site to see if newer Java versions are available. Visit or just run the Java Plug-In Control Panel

apdproxy - From Adobe_Photoshop_Album not to be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.

ccApp - Part of Norton AntiVirus 2003. Auto-protect and E-mail check will not function without this

osCheck - Related to Norton_Antivirus from Symantec Corp. Note: Located in C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\ or C:\Program Files\Symantec

Regshave - Part of the USB driver for your Fuji digital cameras - used when uninstalling the USB drivers, erasing all entries from the registry. Only required BEFORE attempting to uninstall the Fuji software or the uninstall may not work correctly I have no plans to uninstall my Fuji camera

Reader_sl - Speeds up the time it takes to load the Adobe_Reader application. Your choice, but not required for Adobe Reader to function properly

Qttask - System Tray access to Apple's "Quick Time" viewer from version 5 onwards It normally starts when i access a file that needs it

iTuneshelper - Installed with Apple's iTunes for Windows. Uses ~3-4MB of memory and if disabled in MSCONFIG or deleted from the registry it will re-instate itself after running iTunes a few times - hence the reluctant Y recommendation I don't normally use iTunes

ctfMon - CTFMon is involved with the language/alternative input services in Office XP. CTFMON.exe will continue to put itself back into MSConfig when you run the Office XP apps as long as the Text Services and Speech applets in the Control Panel are enabled. Not required if you don\'t need these features. For more info on ctfmon See_Here ;en-us;282599 . CTFMON can be disabled from Control Panel, Text & Speech Services. NOTE: The file will always be located in the System32 folder. If it is located elsewhere, it will likely be a worm or trojan! Note: I don't use office XP

AdobeUpdateManager - Related to Adobe_Update application installed alongside Adobe products which deals with software updates. Only appears in the task list when summoned manually by the product, but shouldn't be terminated unless suspected of causing problems. Note: Located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\

TeaTimer - Spybot - Search & Destroy - free multi-spyware removal tool from Patrick Kolla. TeaTimer.exe monitors certain changes to the registry and notifies when browser plugins and activeX controls get installed, allowing you to block/reverse this.

WMPNSCFG - Related to Windows_Media_Player Network Sharing Service Configuration Application. Note: Located in C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\

ExifLauncher - (not found)

Lotus Quickstart - Lotus central application, called SmartCenter, which runs on the Windows desktop. SmartCenter toolbar stretches across the top or, optionally, the bottom of the screen. Uses a lot of resources. Available via Start -> Programs I seldom use Lotus but keep it as i have old lotus docs stored

Office Startup - Application which launches common MS Office components to help speed up the launch of Office programs. It's somewhat of a resource hog, and some users claim there's no difference with or without it but it usually isn't required - Note: if you make use of the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar outside an office program this application will need to be enabled for it to show. I only use Word often, seldom need the other Office apps.
just going out, Quiiz night so I'll go through the list when I get back late on.
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Couple of things might be of interest

Exif Launcher is a USB mass storage driver used by Fuji Finepix and possibly other digital cameras.

Not sure if you are just looking to improve overall performance but I know that you have recently upgraded to XP SP3. I see that you also use Norton Systemworks. Don't want to send you off on a wild goose chase but it could be worth having a check on net about compatibility - this is just a hunch but I think there may be some issues as have seen some reporting Norton problems. Norton seems to be long regarded as a resource hogger - no recent experience myself of this
it was running at least as slowly before I went to SP3.

I am used to Norton, and reluctant to dump it. I might reconsider next time it comes up for renewal.

Microsoft Money is extremely slow, I notice the response time is very poor. I think that might be due to file size as I probably have more and larger files than typical home users (but not more money :( )

I do one-button and disk defrag quite frequently, also run Adaware, Spybot Defender and NAV more than once a week.
Microsoft Money is extremely slow, I notice the response time is very poor. I think that might be due to file size as I probably have more and larger files than typical home users (but not more money :( )
I had issues on last system with MS Money 2007 running slowly eventually gave up using it (I also ran out of money as well :( ) but before I stopped I came across this link Bill Removal Tool which I did not pursue as I felt it probably not relevant to my circumstance at the time. Could be useful in a business environment?
TeaTimer : Spybot S&D - tools - resident.
Read about it - turn it on/off.

We have an A200 Tosh' notebook, connected to router via wireless, in the worst reception area at home - with connection showing - 'low'.
I have been watching BBC I-Player and ITV streaming video with no pix break-up etc.
Really noticing no 'slow down' problem from Norton (firewall and AV etc) although I have set it NOT to auto scan or auto download etc... Just real time protect and the rest as bog standard - get yer own updates.
1.5 GB memory is all that differs from bog standard A200...
ISP delivers 6200 Mb/s.

Get 'autoruns' as said many times before... You'll like it.

Hi John,
Sorry I'm late, heavy night at the quiz!

The only two items on the list that you should leave ticked are
MSASCUi . . . Win. Defender
ccApp . . . . Norton

Go to the Startup Tab in msconfig and untick all the other items in your list. Unticking them does not remove them, so if you find you need one later you can go back and tick it again.
Click your way out and reboot. tick the box in the configuration warning whenb your pc restarts.
When using you computer after, if you find that you need any program to start at bootup you can go into the startup Tab again and tick the item.

The jusched is the Java updater which only checks for updates once a month but, if left ticked, starts up every single day for some unknown reason.

Any items refering to Norton should be left ticked but apart from security software, all additional program can be prevented from running at startup and they will start when required.

Another place to check what the items are is

My startup list consists of
MSASCui - - Windows Defender
pctsTray - - Spyware Doctor with antivirus
FirewallGUI - - PCTools Firewall
SAS - - SuperAntiSpyware
Netgear WG111 - - Wireless Adaptor.

What system cleaner do you use, if any? Ccleaner or Eusing or something like that.
What defragmenter do you use?
Sort the start menu first then get back with the answers to my last two questions and we can go on from there.

dave [/b]

for defrag I use Norton/Symantec SpeedDisk, it came with Systemworks (it is the 2004 version, though I have the later Internet Security (I can't find "about" but I think it is 2007)

What do you mean by Cleaner? I frequently use the Systemworks Fast & Safe Cleanup which does Internet Cache, History, Recycle Bin, Temporary Files, lost clusters.

I rarely use its Uninstall Wizard to remove unwanted programs and their associated files and directories.

I rarely run MS accessories\system tools\disk cleanup
Once you have sorted the Startup list and are happy with everything, say tomorrow, that way you will have had a full day of using the PCand find out if you need anything starting at bootup.
Then run your System Works Fast and Safe cleaner.
Then run the Speeddisk to defrag your drive.

As you have System Works cleanup you do not need another cleaner so ignore my question about Ccleaner and eusing.
And the Speeddisk defragger should be fine so no need to try another.

Microsoft... said:
...At startup, Svchost.exe checks the services part of the registry to construct a list of services that it must load. Multiple instances of Svchost.exe can run at the same time. Each Svchost.exe session can contain a grouping of services. Therefore, separate services can run, depending on how and where Svchost.exe is started. This grouping of services allows for better control and easier debugging...

...To view the list of services that are running in Svchost:
1. Click Start on the Windows taskbar, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type CMD, and then press ENTER.
3. Type Tasklist /SVC, and then press ENTER...


I guess one might investigate each group of services - if thought to be compromising system efficiency ...

All that above is starting.
This next 'Autoruns' screenshot shows just how much (unticked) is NOT starting !!


What does Autoruns do when you untick a box? Doubleclicking on one of the filenames under ...HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run... Opens the M$ registry editor 'Regedit' at the location of the filename clicked²... In this instance 'Adobe Reader Speed launcher'


Autoruns has created an entry next to the Run category, aptly named, where the unticked file references are stored.

Again best bona-fide free utilities around ...

Spoiled at the mo' with surplus power 3 GB ram and 2.66 duo core -

Here is another neat utility - I think ! ...


See 4°C dif in HDD temps twixt C drive and secondary D, I guess because D drive is shutting down when not in use.
C 'power on' hrs 1809
D 'power on' hrs 823
Quite a difference.

Ah what fun !

Forgot this :-
C:\>tasklist /svc > C:\Documents and Settings\pip\My Documents\task.txt

That, in the dos window will redirect the output to, in this case a text file task.txt created in C:\Documents and Settings\pip\My Documents

from other reading, it looks like the slowness I have noticed is in Microsft Money, and is connected with the Bills/Scheduled payments function. I had not noticed the pattern before. I have over 200 of these set up, some with one-time edits in, and most being transfers bewteen accounts.

However I have not got MM2007 but an older version, so I doubt the removal tool will work. It also looks like a heap of effort as reload is manual. I will have a think about it :(

Meantime it looks like boot-up might be a bit quicker so I will see if I can do any more tidying. I have re-installed a backup disk and will try to see how to turn off SiS Raid ("Help" can't find the links).

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