top movie unthinkable going straight to dvd

24 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
watched a top movie tonight called unthinkable starring samuel l jackson, carrie anne moss and martin sheen from the damned united. apparently its going straight to dvd and no cinema release. available late september from official sources or right now from the usual sources if you know what i mean. well worth a look folks.
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how did you get to see it then? are you part of the papparazzi?
i heard they had production problems and ran out of cash thus they could not promote it for a cinema release. this is a pity i think it would have done ok at the cinemas. that martin sheen is a class actor.
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Martin sheen is a brave actor to still be working given his heart condition.
Coincidence how this thread has been started the day after one of his co-stars on "apocalypse now" passed away.
No wonder they are running out of money with all the illegal downloading, johnboy1974