Trump commits political suicide?

2 Feb 2006
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He's been testing what he can get away with from the start. The story that he had the biggest crowd on inauguration day was patently false, and why would he bother? But his supporters argued that it was true. Same with his claim that it didn't rain. The courts and media are overwhelmed with abuse if they do their job.

The Trumpists will swear that black is white and up is down. Truth has no meaning. The American system of respect for the constitution with checks and balances is pushed aside.

Mr Mugabe and Mr Putin do the same.
Hmm... And what proof do you guys have that he is not telling the truth and the media are?... Unless you are there, you have no way of verifying what is truth and what is not...Then although YOU may know what proof do we have that you are telling us the truth when you relay your comments to us...?
it's quite possible that he tells the truth sometimes. Can you give us a few examples?

Sadly when dealing with a person like Trump who doesn't understand the concept of truth, you can never believe anything he says. What can you tell us about the Trump University fraud?
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I have posted this before - a quote from The Daily Show.

"Trump says he did not say this.
We have film of him saying it.
I guess we'll never know the truth."
trump was right to get rid of this FBI bloke . He was getting to big for his boots ;) he should have been sacked weeks ago

FBI / Hoover :idea: Presidents did not dare to cross him or upset him . This Comey probably thought he was another Hoover.

Trump is on course to be one of the best presidents since LBJ,no doubt about it :)
Bloke was probably leaking to the press ? & briefing against trump

how would it have looked if trump had sacked in the 1st week ???

So he got sacked so what ? Why does there have to be an agenda or a conspiracy ? perhaps he was considered to be carp at his job ?

Apart from Noseall who cares ?

he will probably make millions in some book deal ,T.V interviews etc etc
Bloke was probably leaking to the press
Leaking what?

how would it have looked if trump had sacked in the 1st week ???
A lot better than it does now.

So he got sacked so what ? Why does there have to be an agenda or a conspiracy ? perhaps he was considered to be carp at his job ?
So why wait until such times as Comey asking for more funds to investigate the Trump-Russia links.

Apart from Noseall who cares ?
One or two folk. I think it is only staunch Trump supporters who don't care.
Leaking private confidential info . Briefing against Trump & his government.

funds to investigate what some conspiracy that Putin put trump into power :LOL:waste of taxpayers money ,smacks of the millions the UK police spent on investgating lord bramall , Leon brittan ,Harvey Proctor on the say so of some deluded fruit cake ( him again :idea::mrgreen:)

Only those who resent Trump being democratically elected care.

the democrat party

The establishment who got the likes of george Dubya elected

All will be forgotten after Trump bombs the north Koreans ;)
Bloke was probably leaking to the press ? & briefing against trump

Well that's certainly a very convincing argument, well supported by logic and facts.


Or not.
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