Uploading Diagram

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Does anyone know what format DIYnot wants when uploading stuff to Albums?

I'm trying to post a diagram I created in Word, but it says invalid file type every time. I've tried web page format & pdf.

Rather annoyingly, it does not tell you what file types it does accept...

Cheers Medears!
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Try scanning it, I think you can make it a jpg, save it somewhere. Then load it from there.
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Not that it helps on this occasion but hopefully we will support PDF uploads in the not to distant future.
Even the free GIMP will allow you to do the same

Oooerr missus. Last sentence I heard with the word GIMP in it was referring to some bizarre sexual practices with rubber masks. (Not that I know about these things you know) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Could use PowerPoint.

With the required 'slide' - your diagram - onscreen - ( being the current slide.)
Go File: Save as: choose .JPG extension, set name and location eg. 'My Documents' or wherever.
Press 'Enter'
Respond to screen request 'Do you want to export every slide in the presentation or only the current slide?' Select 'Current slide only' button.

The 'current slide' should now have been saved as a .JPG pix.

Another way to do it is to photograph it. You may need macro on your camera. Try using a phone camera.
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