vaio problem

16 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
have a vaio pcg-k215b, my local shop has upgrade it from 512mb ram to a 1gb, but it's only showing as 512mb on screen, he has put a single 1gb chip in as, when he tried 2 seperate ones at 512 each, it still only shows 512.

I have now added one of my 512 chips to this single 1gb and it's now showing 704gb on the screen when you look up System Information, the shop keeper reckons he's never had this problem before, he's says he'll look into this,by way of forums, wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction.

What iv'e said here is about as technical as i have ever got with a computer, so . please try to read between the lines if i haven't explained properly. thank you.
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Ignoring Windows for a moment, how much RAM does the BIOS report on startup? Also, what O/S?
thanks Igorain

Was hoping youd'e reply,when i said i know nothing about computers, i mean nothing, just sorted and found BIOS, easy for you, i know

It's showing 704kb, my O/s is xp ? virgin?ntl?
Ok, i've done a little research and the maximum amount of memory your notebook can have is 1GB

Crucial only list a 256MB and a 512MB module. (PC2700). It's possible that a 1GB module is not compatible.

This doesn't explain why the two 512MB modules didn't work. Without seeing them, one could only guess.
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Thanks for your help Igorian, had been on a similar site called corsair but it didn't mention incompatability with a 1gb. One of the links you gave me says it isn't compatable. :evil:

He's gonna get it of me tomorrow, he charged me £40 for something he didn't know about.Don't mind him making a wage,i'm paying for knowledge (i thought). refund time, thanks very much, you saved me money.And learned me a lesson.
As long as you are certain that the memory reported by the BIOS is incorrect.

However, there is also this on the site:

Solution A00714


The total amount of memory reported by Windows XP does not match the total amount of memory that was physically installed.


This is normal as a part of this memory is shared memory which is not accessible for Windows. To verify the total amount of memory, please check the BIOS of your VAIO computer.