Voting weighted by age so young people have more say

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Political scientist Heath Pickering argues for a voting system based on how long you'll have to live with the consequences of political decisions.

The democratic principle of "one person, one vote" is fundamentally flawed. The way Baby Boomers and beyond are voting the world over is evidence that old solutions often aren't adept at tackling new problems. Old people keep gutting the future of young people. And it has to stop.
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Yeah, let the "ME ME ME" generation vote, Corbyn gets in & were all doomed. The young don't have enough experience of real life to judge what's important.As Eddie said, if they can't be bothered to vote then they get what they deserve.
Yeah, let the "ME ME ME" generation vote, Corbyn gets in & were all doomed. The young don't have enough experience of real life to judge what's important.As Eddie said, if they can't be bothered to vote then they get what they deserve.

Experience? Like old peoples understanding of Trade, regulations, EU etc
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Political scientist Heath Pickering argues for a voting system based on how long you'll have to live with the consequences of political decisions.

The democratic principle of "one person, one vote" is fundamentally flawed. The way Baby Boomers and beyond are voting the world over is evidence that old solutions often aren't adept at tackling new problems. Old people keep gutting the future of young people. And it has to stop.

Nonsense! The main problem with our democracy is that too many people are allowed to vote. Voting is, essentially, having a say in how to spend the money gathered in taxes. If you haven’t paid those taxes, why should you decide how they are spent?

There should be an income tax threshold governing when you can start voting. You might reach that threshold when you’re 20 or it might be when you’re 30, but until then: no vote. Giving ever younger people the vote is political prostitution, and suggesting that the young should automatically have more say than old is plain stupidity. If there is to be any “weighting” (and I don’t believe there should) it should be in the favour of those who pay the most in tax.

Our universal democracy is the reason we’re in such a mess now, with the majority of the country’s income being squandered on undeserved welfare payments. People who have never worked voting on what my hard-earned contributions are spent on is negative democracy.

Reducing the amount of people who qualify to vote, would get my vote.
Tell that to angry11 he said squandered to the undeserved, not me boyo.
He is on about malingerers & the workshy, who have never paid into the system, and no, I don't mean immigrants, not all anyway. Generations of home grown dross have never done a stroke of work & manage to live more comfortably than a lot of pensioners, or incapacitated people who have paid in all the time they have worked.Pensions are the biggest cost to the benefits system, but pensioners have put more in, and you were the one to mention pensions, boyo!
Giving ever younger people the vote is political prostitution,

Very rich individuals and companies use their money and power to influence the government. That is political prostitution.

Luckily such goings on dont happen with the Tory party :ROFLMAO:
He is on about malingerers & the workshy
I think you need a reading lesson or some new spec's....

with the majority of the country’s income being squandered on undeserved welfare payments

I think you'll find the majority is squandered on pensions boyo. By quite a large amount too. Do try and keep up you sad old git.(y)
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