We Must Be The Only Country That Puts Up With This!

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No worse than the EDL or BNP. What do you want to do with these British Born people?

doesn't matter where you're born.... take that idea further, e.g. when the first baby is born in space, where do they vote or claim their benefits?.... Ultimately, is going to come back to beliefs and tribes !!
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Soldiers are our brothers - when they are dying for us . When they aren`t sent to war by some politician or another they are just Council ( army ) house scum no one wants as neighbours :idea: Not my opinion - just a observation
but are they dying for us? excuse my ignorance here but i dont see too many afghani soldiers taking pot shots at british citizens down on the high street.
This thread is turning into a "should we be in Afghanistan" topic..... the original poster posed the question is it right to allow a group of religious extremists taunt our troops.

Our troops, whether you like or dislike where and why they're posted to places, have taken a job to defend this country and your ar5e5. I personally think the extremist should lobby parliament, and not harrass our troops.
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your quite right , perhaps we should all lobby parliament , get our fellas back home to their family's. ;)
on the original topic , what if those protestors were white, english people?

If as the actual scum were, your white, English people are "slaves of Allah", calling British troops terrorists... lock 'em up for treason.
i think you miss understood me , what if English , white people stand up against our troops being in Afghanistan? will we also be classed as ''rag heads'' and ''terrorists''?
i dont believe our troops should be in afghanastan , does that make me a 'terrorist' or a 'rag head' ?

put it this way , what if you moved to afghanastan (pretend there wasnt a war) and the afghan army invaded england because they believed there to be lots of expensive minerals there and started killing innocent english men and their excuse was because all english men were out to kill their way of life because their religion says they should ? now just imagine that the english men who tried to fight off the invading army were being called terrorists? how would you react?

now , i am not saying what these people did was right , thats not for me to say , but i always put myself on someone elses shoes before i judge them.
i've never used the phrase "rag head", surely that refers to a turban which is not a muslim thing is it?

and the rest of your argument is flawed.. your scenario would never happen... Afghan army?!!!!!!!
why would i abuse our troops? they are not invading my country nor are they killing my countrymen.
but i dont know the full story so in all fairness i can only speculate as to whats really going on.
whoes alheating anyway?
Lots of white, middle class people have demonstrated against the Iraq war, that is now ended and being rebuilt, and it's only right that the people of these countries complain that their countries are invaded, how would you feel if the French suddenly invaded England?

I think the fear is far deeper seated, where you see a person with clothing that doesn't conform with the British tradition, then they are automatically a 'terrorist', not!

Do we all walk round with bowler hats, and that stiff upper lip? no, we are liberal, and accept change. Look at the number of Indian and Chinese, and Italian restaraunts going back to after the war, because of the integration of troops at the time.

People confuse 'illegal immigration', with immigration...but cultures must be migrated together, but home grown laws must exist. If a person isn't allowed to enter a bank wearing a motorcycle helmet, then a person wearing a full headscarf isn't allowed either. If their religion says otherwise, then they must conform to the laws of the country, not their personal religion. The law in their home country allows this, but this is an established law in the UK, and must abide by the law, in the country they are currently in. Some couple were arrested for having a snog in a radical country, if you are out of your culture, abide by the local rules and laws.
If you want to stand outside my house and protest against the war in Afghan, be my guest and I might even make you a cup of tea.

But if you stand outside my house and abuse our service men and women, I will
on you.
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