what music a 5yr old listens to

9 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
:eek: my son has always listened to tweenies/tubbies cd's.yesterday he said he wanted us to buy him a song,we wrote it down & off me & the wife went to hmv.said to the chappie have you got "xtm & dj chucky"he says no its been discontinued?he said it was on a compilation cd called "anthems of abiza"
bought said item & tried it out in the car :eek: f*** me why does a 5 yr old want this?talk about drum & bass/hip hop/dance anthems?
he told us he saw it on sky kids music channel :eek:
can't believe he's growing up so fast. :eek:
sky + kids = brain washing?
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Oh, I shouldn't worry too much my then 2 year old used to like to listen to eminem, however I stopped it once the repeated foul language started. I know, it is brainwashing, how come my now four year old knows the f word, he definitely didn't get that from home, I'm really careful about swearing in front of the kids (I save it for the wife ;)), and it's not as if we live in a rough area, it's kind of quite shocking, but my view is if you don't make much of a scene about it hopefully they won't think too much about it, and will move on, probably to something even more awful ! That's parenting for you, no-one warns you about the terrible guilt trip !
When they get older they won't need sex lesson either, they will give you lesson instead ! :oops: :LOL:
When growing up I listened to bands such as The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks, The Who, Pink Floyd, The JHE... because that was what my parents listened to. And if you think about it, my grandparents' generation would have found that music offensive (albeit for different reasons).

In Goldfinger, Bond says "serving champagne at a temperature other than X degrees fahrenheit is like listening to the Beatles without earmuffs on."

I listened to gangster rap and drum'n'bass from the age of 13, didn't do me any harm...

Right, I'm off to pop a cop because he wasn't giving me my props. Then I'm going to smack down a ho cos she called me cracker, and run a train on that strawberry. ;)

Note: if said seriously that last sentence is in fact incredibly offensive, but if you only spoke the Queen's English then you would just think it nonsense. How can you possibly build railway lines on a small fruit? And why is that lady calling Adam a water biscuit?
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masona said:
When they get older they won't need sex lesson either, they will give you lesson instead ! :oops: :LOL:

Ah, the comforting denial of youth. :LOL:

If you have done it, your grandparents probably have too. And never call your dad a "M-F" cos if he is cunning he will probably nod his head and say "I suppose I am" :LOL:
Eddie M said:
Oh, I shouldn't worry too much my then 2 year old used to like to listen to eminem, however I stopped it once the repeated foul language started. I know, it is brainwashing, how come my now four year old knows the f word, he definitely didn't get that from home, I'm really careful about swearing in front of the kids (I save it for the wife ;)), and it's not as if we live in a rough area, it's kind of quite shocking, but my view is if you don't make much of a scene about it hopefully they won't think too much about it, and will move on, probably to something even more awful ! That's parenting for you, no-one warns you about the terrible guilt trip !
my 5 yr old said the f word aswell but like you said just go about your buisness and carry on as if nothing has happened?why then did i have the irresistable urge to burst out laughing when he stubbed his toe & said f***.no other word just that.it was the hardest thing just to keep a straight face :LOL:
Quite a good thing that people get into music at a young age. I think it would be a good thing to make them avoid manufactured music, I am quite into dance, hopefully he's not into ministry of sound etc. (ministry of ****e)

What he wanst is get 12" - real techno and dance (:cool: , though language can be an issue, I don't think it is right for a kid that young to be swearing like that. A lot of dance isn't really vocal, though.

As for what I listened to at that age, it was mainly my dads record collection - Mainly the Beatles and also a few Rolling Stones tracks.

I remember when I was 5 (maybe even 4?), wanting a radio cassette player for christmas, and being extremely pleased that 'twas my main present. Of course, I did still listen to kids stuff too back then.

Well, I really got into radio a few months after I got it (about a year and a bit after if I was 4). I would listen to lots of stations on lots of bands, including Shortwave (yes, it only pulled in close stations or those with european repeaters, but I did like it, even though I was eternally puzzled by the fact I only could receive any station 2 hours max :) ) Anyway, I digress, soon I discovered what was soon to become the station of the decade - happening to flick through the longwave dial, it inevitably landed on good ole 252. It really became my station. So basically, not long later, my taste was in indie, hip hop, rnb, some degree of pop, some reggae, trip hop, dance/rave. Mostly mainstream, but a good introduction.

As for sky+kids = brainwashing, that's true

I OCCAISIONALLY watch MTV Dance, but that's not very often. I don't really like Music TV. I do like some music videos, which I download.

Though I think largely, your 5 year old kid has good taste, while still a bit commercial for my liking, it has the potential to develop into a good mature taste in electronic music. At least if my experience with 252 accounts for anything.


ZenStalinist said:
it inevitably landed on good ole 252.

Ah yes, Atlantic 252: my big bro introduced me to it on a holiday to Wales when I was 9 or 10: in the valleys FM reception was non-existent and that was what we found. If I recall they played every style of music going, I never tuned away from it for those 2 weeks.

Being brought up in London and into drum'n'bass at 14 I was fortunate to have Kiss FM from its launch, and used to set my stereo to record the Jungle show on Wednesday nights: the show ran from 8-11pm, but my bedtime was 10 so I would record the last hour. :LOL:

In my part of Herts the radio reception is rubbish, so I only listen to CDs now, apart from if I am on a roadtrip in which case radio reception is good.

Esoteric music tastes are great, but it can be annoying if you know someone who continually forces you to listen to what they do. I used to have a friend like that, I dreaded going in his car at times! Another time 5 of us went on a roadtrip in my car. 3 of us had very similar musical tastes, a 4th wasn't bothered at all, but the 5th (who had already made herself official car DJ) refused to allow anything commercial... So we listened to "Gabba" music for as long as I could stand before ejecting the CD and putting the Chili Peppers on.

For the 59 million people in this country who have never heard of Gabba, imagine the rhythm of a 2-year old hitting a toy piano with a stick. Now, superimpose on this, if you will, a monkey playing a keyboard. Then, whilst you are listening to this someone is shafting you in the right ear, and a dog is barking in your left ear.

I wh*re my ears to music, I find it impossible to commit any amount of time to any one style. I am currently listening to some "Druid pagan rock", was earlier singing along to Beethoven's Ninth (I Still don't know who "Elysium" is, but his daughter is something special according to old L. van B). On my drive to work tomorrow I shall probably be hurried along by John Lee Hooker or Britney Spears.
It could be worse, they could be listening to (and wanting to buy) explicit rap music....

My 5 yo Will loves We Will Rock You.........
when i was 9ish all that was on the radio was radio4 with a book at bedtime zzzzzzzzzzzzzz then i found radio luxembourg.wow.cool music all night long.i remember when elvis died they cancelled all the adverts & just had elvis music all night long?don't think its on air anymore though .


I know of the dutch gabbas. Half of them are ****ing neo nazis. All ultranationalist this and that.

They're only good for being stood against a wall and shot at.
Their m usic sounds like a metallic warehouse being hit with a sledgehammer.

Go real hardcore!

Luxy in the 70s was like 252 in the 90s. They always had the pirate feel to them, both of them, broadcast from a foreing coast.

Now I reluctantly listen to galaxy. :confused:
my six year old is a big music fan..... shes currently listening to Green Day and The White Stripes after we took her and her 11 year old brother to the Leeds festival. Her favourite is The Darkness and shes going to see thm in December (again!).

I first started listening to Floyd. Brick in the wall was the first record I bought! I was about 7. My older cousin started me on motorhead not much later and I made my mothers life a misery with it for meany years after! :D
i remember my 1st albums where fleetwood mac, rumours/eagles,hotel california/supertramp,breakfast in america.have just bought the digitally remastered cd's and they still sound as good as ever. :LOL:
hotel california was a classic, I can remember an uncle giving that to me when I was about 10 and I was deeply impressed. That song gives me goosebumps!
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