What would you do to get a job

1 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
What would you do to get a job if you were out of work now.

Yesterday i saw some signs along a very busy roadside saying "Driver looking for work" included his license details and phone number. Deserves a job surely.
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That happened up here in 't' norfwest a couple of years back. It made the local ITV news and the bloke ended up with quite a few offers.

Me I would just undercut the best quote if I had no work :eek:
Anything legal TBH. If you have no reason to get up in the morning you might as well be dead. I used to work under my fathers business and used to drink heavily as a result. That was a warning sign for me, and we actually went to councelling (childhood stuff that needed dealing with).

So... I went my own way and had no work initially. This was perfect as far as my dad was concerned as he carefully explained he could put work 'my way' if I was struggling. He generally would like to control everybody he is related to if he had his way. The 15 grand in profit I earned his business in the year before we split is still sitting in his bank as 'Im allowed it if its an emergency'. How controlling is that?.

Now, Im quite busy and as he's struggling with some sort of muscle disease he cant work as much as he'd like to. I get stupid calls like...."where are you", to which I retort "in an airing cupboard / hanging a boiler / fishing". He will drive 10 miles to a job and want a cylinder stat dropped off. :rolleyes:

The reason Im busy.... I got off my ass and took any work I could and if your good, word spreads. I really cannot understand how people cannot 'find' work and its there all the time. You just need to grab it before anyone else does.

Ive even offerered to help him with boiler and system repairs, and he cant bring himself to let me help him as I would need paying.

Bet you wouldnt do Subo to get a job..................
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I give up.

Im just awaiting newgas, lifesagasman and skitzee to ruin another topic with drivel. As least softus was clever.

My wife works in recruitment and has people coming in all the time looking for work. Strange how many when offered work then claim they cant do the hours, cant get there, agree to work but don't turn up. And some just ask for a letter to say they've been in looking for work :rolleyes:
1st, what on earth is subo, I assume sub contracting? please let me know.

2nd, I'd do anything to get a job right now, I have tried many many thing's it is driving me up the wall, I have been door to door offering garden service, painting and decorating, I have contacted employers directly, registered with every agency on planet earth, planned to re-train but no money to pay for the course. I tell you what I don't know how much longer I can take without a job, just the boredem alone is a killer.

if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to know.
Networking. Get down the pub of a late Friday afternoon and get to know names and faces.
1st, what on earth is subo, I assume sub contracting? please let me know.

2nd, I'd do anything to get a job right now, I have tried many many thing's it is driving me up the wall, I have been door to door offering garden service, painting and decorating, I have contacted employers directly, registered with every agency on planet earth, planned to re-train but no money to pay for the course. I tell you what I don't know how much longer I can take without a job, just the boredem alone is a killer.

if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to know.



One way is to get into voluntary/charity work, you wont lose dole if you stick to certain rules. You never know wher eit can lead to.
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