Whats the problem with Daily Mail

5 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
Why does the Mail, its readers, columnists, and contents attract so much derogatory attention from what I believe are the Guardian set.
Rarely a topic goes by on this forum without some snide baseless comment such as, typical Mail opinion, or typical Mail reader, or that must be something from Lttlejohn or Quentin Letts, etc etc
Is it because Guardian readers think that they are superior to everybody else, and that they believe the Guardian and its contents and reporters are infallible.?
Considering that the circulation of the Guardian is about a tenth of that of the Mail this is akin in my book to the story of the soldier who is marching out of step but insists everybody else is wrong and he is right.
Could these critics who presumably do not read the Mail, be suffering grandeurs of delusion.
I suspect that they only read the Guardian because of its snob appeal and its dependency on the educational establishment in terms of advertising for a high proportion of its income, ergo the teaching fraternity.
Yes I read the Mail , but I dont (normally) criticise the readers of the Guardian , the Sun or any other paper.
Live and let live .
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The Daily Mail is seen as middle class, and supports and is supported by the tax-paying, hetrosexual, law abiding, hard working members of middle England. Not exclusively, but in the majority.

The Guardianista pc lefties hate the people who are described above, and can't resist sneering at them. They hate anyone who doesn't support their views of uncontrolled immigration, family breakdown, soft on crime, etc, etc. Basically the guardian journalists would be happy with anarchy.
Ahh thats one thing the Guardianista's hate... Law Abiding Citizens, (and people who work in the private sector, who are white, and British) ;) ;) ;)
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So you're objecting to people who sneer at readers of one paper, and you're sneering at people who read another?

You ask "Why?"

Look inside yourself.
the problem with the mail is its a newspaper from another era with views that most of the population find offensive. it is read by people who intransigent in their own views and believe that they are absolutly right in everything they do say and think. and believe that everybody else should behave in the same way.
. it is read by people who intransigent in their own views and believe that they are absolutly right in everything they do say and think. and believe that everybody else should behave in the same way.

Much the same as Guardian readers then. Pot and Kettle maybe??
So you're objecting to people who sneer at readers of one paper, and you're sneering at people who read another?

You ask "Why?"

Look inside yourself.

Now that is a typical Guardian reader response.
Now that is a typical mindless response.
the problem with the mail is its a newspaper from another era with views that most of the population find offensive. it is read by people who intransigent in their own views and believe that they are absolutly right in everything they do say and think. and believe that everybody else should behave in the same way.

Not really worth a response, apart from something like this
So you're objecting to people who sneer at readers of one paper, and you're sneering at people who read another?

You ask "Why?"

Look inside yourself.
Why do I not see a similar response from Mail readers about the Guardian readers?
If you read my op fully I said that I do not normally criticise readers of other papers.
Its just that I feel that somebody should speak up for the majority,
the mail is utter sh**te

the best stuff is their ridiculous health scares every week

soon it will be water gives you cancer!

Fresh air is bad for you!

as for the middle england/facist c**p its utterly sad but amusing in its own apoplectic way
the mail is utter sh**te

the best stuff is their ridiculous health scares every week

soon it will be water gives you cancer!

Fresh air is bad for you!

as for the middle england/facist c**p its utterly sad but amusing in its own apoplectic way

So you read every week do you? or are you just another Guardian pontificator.
If you dont read it how can you criticise it , if you do well!
you seem to have a fantasy that people who don't share your opinions are all Guardian readers.

you are wrong.
Here's an interesting article from the Daily Mail

"Swimming too often in chlorinated water 'could increase risk of developing bladder cancer', claim scientists
By Daily Mail Reporter"

And here's a criticism, from Cancer Research UK, pointing out that the research they claim to base the article on, did not mention a link betweeen swimming in chlorinated water, and bladder cancer.

Pure Daily Mail fantasy.

Cancer Research UK do mention that "By far the biggest risk factor for bladder cancer – as for so many types of cancer – is tobacco, which causes about two thirds of cases."
although this is not mentioned by the Mail.
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