Whole house pump

17 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom

I have a gravity fed water system that feeds two shower heads from a tank in my loft. Hot water feed for the showers is fed from regular indirect hot water cylinder that is heated using a regular gas boiler. The water pressure is not great on the showers both cold and hot feeds. The cold water tank is four feet about shower head unit. I want to fit a Stewart Turner whole house pump system for both the hot and the cold.

what I plan to do is in the cupboard that the hot water cylinder sits is raise that up four feet so the pump can sit underneath. Then take a feed out of the hot cylinder into the pump which will then be connected to the feed that came out of the top of the cylinder. Question is, I’m sure the hot water out goes to the top of the loft and into the central heating header tank which is used for hot water expansion. Now if I connect up a pump feed to the hot water system it’s going to force the water out of the expansion pipe and into the boiler header tank in the loft so I’m guessing I need to do something with that but the question is what. If I block it of then we’re does the expansion goes if pressure gets too high.

second issue. Both showers feed of separate sides of the cold water header tank and since I want the pump to deliver cold water pressure to both showers it means I have to couple these up but if I do that will the water pressure be ok and will the pump get enough water feed when both showers are on.

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Hi Andy,

yep know about the separate h/w value so as to stop air circulation.

my main concern was the expansion pipe in that what do I do with that. If I do nothing and the pump is plumbed into the entire house then the water is going to escape through the expansion and into the header tank when turned on.

I either cap that off and have no expansion escape which I don’t think I should do or I fit some type of pressure release value which will operate above the pump pressure and will allow for emergency pressure release should this need to happen. There is also the issue of no air into the h/w cylinder means no water flow so it can’t be about blocking it off.

now it may be that the Wessex flange will allow for air in which sort one issue but then what about pressure expansion.
You need to have the expansion, the fitting I suggested about has 2 outlets, one for the pump the other for the expansion.


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Hi Andy that makes sense

so now I need to look at how easy it is to fit the flange in place of the current connection.

Not sure I have enough room in front of the h/w cylinder to fit the pump, as such I’m looking to raise the entire h/w cylinder two feet on a wooden platform and then put the pump in the space created below. If I use marine ply and two by two frame I’m sure that can hole the weight of a full h/w cylinder.

does this make sense?

Yes, it does make sense. But raising the cylinder is a lot of work. Are you sure it won't fit in front or to the side of the cylinder.


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