Zion and the Art of Armageddon

A new twist in the west bank. Undercover soldiers pretending to be Palestinians. Arrests and it seem assassinations.

IDF leave cancelled and some increased mobilisation. Said to be down to threat noises from Iran after Israel bombed one of it's embassies. A US view is that Iran wont do much other than maybe attack some US bases. it's a simple idea but fact is there are anti US groups still around even in Iraq.
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I imagine undercover units have operated in the Gaza strip and along the West Bank well before the October 7th massacre; creating 'Fauda' is their job.


Israel war cabinet member Benny Gantz has called for elections in September as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government faces pressure at home and abroad over the war in Gaza. “We must agree on a date for elections in September, towards a year to the war if you will,” Gantz said in a televised briefing on Wednesday. “Setting such a date will allow us to continue the military effort while signalling to the citizens of Israel that we will soon renew their trust in us.”

Thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets in recent days demanding new elections. Many have criticised Netanyahu and expressed anger at his government’s handling of the 134 Israelis still held captive in Gaza six months into the war.

UNsilenced@Al Jazeera

Zelensky had the same problem recently but he has a much more stable political platform with which to prosecute the war against Russia than Netanyahu has in chasing his white whale among the Palestinian population. Hamas will survive longer than him, i think.
government’s handling of the 134 Israelis still held captive in Gaza
If they are all still alive. Given the various places they have been held it's not clear if Benjamin cares all that much about this aspect.
Thought not!

You don't worship at the altar of mottie by chance? - the non carers cult...

But you have just proved that you are an apologist for an Israeli state that is out of control...

Note Israeli state, not Jews in case you wish to play the 'anti semitic card' :rolleyes:

And therefore I'd also guess that you don't care that the aid workers from the UK (and other countries) were targeted by the Israeli state either?

Or would you not care to tell us about that as well?

Oh dear you really are a numpty aren't you. Remind us again when you are leaving or just your level of honesty on display.

You really don't have a clue past Jews bad , murdering rapist terrorists good.
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There appears to be growing calls for the UK to cease supplying arms to Israel. All sorts of legal people. 3 judges that have served on the ICC and others. Labour asking the Tory to publish their legal advice on this area.

Not that it would make much difference in practice to either the Gaza war or our arms exports. The biggest supplier is easily the US with Germany making up a noticeable but still small %.

It seems going on attacks that there is a sort of ceasefire going on at the moment. No reports at all so far. Just west bank deaths.
Oh dear you really are a numpty aren't you. Remind us again when you are leaving or just your level of honesty on display.

You really don't have a clue past Jews bad , murdering rapist terrorists good.


Repeating the same old crap when that single brain cell is passed on...
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There appears to be growing calls for the UK to cease supplying arms to Israel. All sorts of legal people. 3 judges that have served on the ICC and others. Labour asking the Tory to publish their legal advice on this area.
The legal opinion is growing...

"More than 600 lawyers, including former Supreme Court President Lady Hale, have signed a letter to the prime minister warning that the government risks breaching international law by continuing to export weapons to Israel"

The zionist zealots will no doubt label this as anti semitic :rolleyes:

Not that it would make much difference in practice to either the Gaza war or our arms exports. The biggest supplier is easily the US with Germany making up a noticeable but still small %.
But it would make a political statement that would make headlines and maybe get others to think and increase the pressure on a rogue/terrorist state...

For example:

"A new diplomatic crisis between Poland and Israel has erupted following the death of a Polish aid worker in Gaza, with the Polish president on Thursday denouncing a comment by the Israeli ambassador as “outrageous” and the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw saying it was summoning him for a meeting.

A 35-year-old Polish man was among seven people who were killed while delivering food to besieged Palestinians with the charity World Central Kitchen. Israel has called the incident a “mistake" that followed a misidentification. The charity said its vehicles were clearly marked"
The Tory of course are split on stop arm sales. Cruela is in Israel. Must matter to her constituents.

There is a general view that we will continue supplying the little we currently do supply. However the Foreign Office periodically looks at arms sales and the international law and one is near finished. There is some doubt if this will relate to the World Kitchen episode but that's not the only one. The outfit with a French sounding name had 2 vans wiped out a while ago and several aid deliveries have been hit while on the way or coming back. Also the ICJ have been ignored in a number of respects. The Israeli investigation results are still said to be a few days away. Maybe when the news has died down. That is what usually happens. C4 asked an IDF spokesperson if he would contact them when it is released. Of course he said.

The trickle of aid. Israel now say 200 trucks got through. It turns out that these are not fully loaded. ~ 1/2. I had noticed that compared with early videos. A UK lady visitor, Tory, commentated on the problems. Israel wont let anything through that might of any help to HAMAS. Some of it is bizarre, No crates suddenly ie no wood, No metal - cans refused entry. No dates due to the stones which can be thrown. Plus certain what could be referred to as medical in a general sense. Rehydration etc.
Which people have made the greater contribution to this country and western civilization: Jews or Muslims?

Which single country in the middle east is a modern democracy and a multi racial society that offers a good standard of living for its inhabitants?

Why didn't a single one of the world's 59 Muslim countries want to take in the Palestinians parked in Gaza? Not even neighbouring Egypt or Jordan. And, why did those two countries previously kick a load of Palestinians out?

Why do the authorities in Gaza, who are Palestinians, throw homosexuals from the roofs of tall buildings, blind folded and hands tied?

Bearing all of this in mind, which people and country would you support if you had to choose between the two? It should be an easy choice if you are of sound mind.

Personally, I am more interested in the grave problems facing this country and don't give a damn about the middle east. Let's leave them to it and solve our own problems.
Which people have made the greater contribution to this country and western civilization: Jews or Muslims?

Which single country in the middle east is a modern democracy and a multi racial society that offers a good standard of living for its inhabitants?

Why didn't a single one of the world's 59 Muslim countries want to take in the Palestinians parked in Gaza? Not even neighbouring Egypt or Jordan. And, why did those two countries previously kick a load of Palestinians out?

Why do the authorities in Gaza, who are Palestinians, throw homosexuals from the roofs of tall buildings, blind folded and hands tied?

Bearing all of this in mind, which people and country would you support if you had to choose between the two? It should be an easy choice if you are of sound mind.

Personally, I am more interested in the grave problems facing this country and don't give a damn about the middle east. Let's leave them to it and solve our own problems.
Ask yourself the same question when you recite the ALphabet in your next Sunday school class.:p
C4 Interviewed the source of Israel using AI to identify terrorists. The same has been mentioned by another group.
Israel says no we don't use it. Source says that the IDF lectured on it at a university some time ago.
Seems it's identified 37,000 people but if one turns out to be a woman it's wrong. It uses such things as mobile phone records. Said to be correct 90% of the time but also picks up infrastructure people such as the police and lower. It seems a collateral damage allowance can be added based on seniority but who know how they check that. This aspect it seems has been mostly ignored. They have a nice name that I should have noted concerning hitting entire families at night. They don't actually check that the intended target is dead.

AI? Sound more like a set of rules in software to me but the term is often misused.

This Reuter article was mentioned

An earlier warning
Another announcement- relates to the above one?
Evacuation warnings issued by Israel to people in Gaza ahead of attacks have contained a host of significant errors, BBC analysis has revealed.

Warnings contained contradictory information and sometimes misnamed districts. This made them confusing. Experts say such mistakes could violate Israel's obligations under international law.


At least the Zionists have allowed more aid convoys into the Gaza Strip. Donald Trump's right, it's been a PR calamity by the government and this u-turn simply confirms the BBC analysis of conflicting decisions being made by the IDF. Netanyahu wants to go in to Rafah and destroy Hamas to achieve Total Victory but in doing so will bring down his coalition government and a increase the chance of Western sanctions.
Donald Trump's right,
At least he agrees with Biden as far as Israel's reputation goes. Biden has a problem.
Months into the Israel-Hamas war, roughly six-in-ten Americans (58%) say Israel’s reasons for fighting Hamas are valid. But how Israel is carrying out its response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack receives a more mixed evaluation. About four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) say Israel’s conduct of the war has been acceptable, and 34% say it has been unacceptable. The remaining 26% are unsure.
Benjamin has openly declared that he has nothing to worry about given the above in an election year. You may have noticed that even our gov has to swing public opinion to do what they want to do. I'm not sure that the current US admin has really been trying to do that. However a fairly senior member has supported AlJ even though he noted that they do not always agree with that source. Odd various comments from others including the deputy president.
At least he agrees with Biden as far as Israel's reputation goes. Biden has a problem.

Trump has a nose for guaging public opinion...or at least the people he employs to do the work for him have a nose. He can make statements without having to back them up - a situation he enjoys - but Biden has to balance public opinion at home with events in Gaza and Israel; providing support while making clear to Netanyahu how far over the line he's already stepped. America can't really influence events much further and it's up to Egypt and Qatar to find a solution to this situation.
Which people have made the greater contribution to this country and western civilization: Jews or Muslims?

Which single country in the middle east is a modern democracy and a multi racial society that offers a good standard of living for its inhabitants?

Why didn't a single one of the world's 59 Muslim countries want to take in the Palestinians parked in Gaza? Not even neighbouring Egypt or Jordan. And, why did those two countries previously kick a load of Palestinians out?

Why do the authorities in Gaza, who are Palestinians, throw homosexuals from the roofs of tall buildings, blind folded and hands tied?

Bearing all of this in mind, which people and country would you support if you had to choose between the two? It should be an easy choice if you are of sound mind.

Personally, I am more interested in the grave problems facing this country and don't give a damn about the middle east. Let's leave them to it and solve our own problems.
Well you've certainly nailed your colours to your newly created mast...

Therefore no-one who cares about what is happening should give a damn about your bollux post!
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