Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Shabbat tomorrow. Good day for Iran to make a strike.
GPS has stopped working in Israel. It's being jammed. :) seems you get redirected to anywhere other than Israel. Probably an exaggeration.
A beeb reporter visited the aid corridor in the north. Looks in good order but isn't open. Probably as Israel wants to continue strikes in the northern half. Or ?? Much larger air drops trying to make up for it's lack of use. Not sure but there appears to be another that is even more direct to Gaza city.

Some aid people approached the N corridor and were shot at. Sounds like warning fire - so far but again not open.

Group of people in Rafar hit with a drone strike.

Talk of Israel's plan for Rafar. Evacuate but no consideration of food, water and shelter. Very heated conversations. Open source info - sometimes means leaks. No way of knowing really.
Some aid people approached the N corridor and were shot at. Sounds like warning fire - so far but again not open.
UNICEF vehicles who were in the holding area used while they wait for the gate to open. Lady in a car hit 3 times not any form of Arab.

Stuff going in at the other end - not fully laden trucks mentioned again. It seems Israel has some sort of 1/2 load rule.

Land sea and air attack in central Gaza. Surgical and targeting HAMAS infrastructure. Seems to be a house and a school. Anyway AlJ is having fun with Israel's comments.
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DUBAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran has signalled to Washington that it will respond to Israel's attack on its Syrian embassy in a way that aims to avoid major escalation and it will not act hastily, as Tehran presses demands including a Gaza truce, Iranian sources said.

These 30 odd thousand casualties in Gaza

Does that include Hamas fighters ? Or are they on top and not included in the stats ???
These 30 odd thousand casualties in Gaza

Does that include Hamas fighters ? Or are they on top and not included in the stats ???

Last time I looked I think Israel were claiming up to 15,000 Hamas. Gaza stats are generally acknowledged as being overstated by around 10%. In this conflict figures are even more 'woolly' and are being challenged by statisticians, the death toll seems to be reported as 270 per day plus or minus 10% which is not what the statisticians like, too uniform. The Palestinian figures don't separate combatants from the count, and are claiming three quarters of all fatalities are women and children, much of it doesn't really add up. If and when it ends we'll probably get a more accurate picture.

The worst case scenario I can find online is that the civilian to combatant death ratio is about 66%, which is awful. But that ratio in the Iraq war was 77%, in Kosovo, it was potentially double again but all parties dispute the figures. The Syrian civil war is likely both those added together and multiplied by ten (there were up to 700,000 total deaths (civilians and combatants). In the Syrian civil war most of the deaths would have been caused by Russian bombing, yes, the same Russia that has a permanent seat on the UN security council and is accusing Israel of genocide.

Two things are clear.

1. Israel is being held to account to standards not applied to any other country in the world.

2. The world is a very *****d up place, and an awful lot of people are being taken for fools.

In some ways, knowing that I'm not going to be around for many more years, I hope the Ayatollahs do take control of the Middle East and Europe and China and Russia topple America. I'll be PMSL in my grave knowing that the lefties got everything they wanted.
I wonder how many Palestinians have died today of the famine and disease that is part of Israel's policy of genocide.
Gaza stats are generally acknowledged as being overstated by around 10%.
No they aren't. To be counted the body has to be seen by a paramedic or a doctor in a hospital. We have no idea how many are buried under buildings or bulldozers into unmarked graves.
The Palestinian figures don't separate combatants from the count, and are claiming three quarters of all fatalities are women and children, much of it doesn't really add up
It helps if you understand the demographics of Gaza. Roughly half the population is under the age of 18. Half of the rest are female. Israel is not taking any care on targeting and so deaths match the general demographics quite closely.

I've said many times that Israel classes any dead 'fighting age male' as a Hamas soldier. It's darkly ironic that they're taking the maxim that bombing civilians creates more terrorists so literally and immediately. And they get the number of dead males from the Gazan Health Ministry.

1. Israel is being held to account to standards not applied to any other country in the world.
No, they're being held to no account at all. They deliberately tried to starve 2 million people. Who the **** does that?
I've said many times that Israel classes any dead 'fighting age male' as a Hamas soldier.

How many Hamas soldiers are there?, maybe there's none, is that what you're suggesting? In which case who the **** is firing rockets at Israel, killing IDF troops and holding hostages?
No, they're being held to no account at all. They deliberately tried to starve 2 million people. Who the **** does that?

We do. The Israelis haven't starved anyone, show me the figures for how many Palestinians have died from starvation. I'll give you a clue, 0.

We on the other hand starved 3 million people to death in India during WW2 by diverting food to our troops, it's war, it's what happens.

It hasn't happened in Gaza.

On February 5, the Bristol Employment Tribunal handed down a judgement [PDF] that I had long been waiting for. It ruled that my October 2021 sacking from Bristol University, where I’ve been working as a professor of political sociology for over three years, was unfair and wrongful.

The tribunal did not stop there. It also ruled that the reason for my sacking was not my alleged singling out of students and student societies in statements and comments, as the university suggested, but my anti-Zionist beliefs. Having heard me outline my views on Zionism in detailed court submissions and in more than two days of cross-examination, the court determined that they were sufficiently coherent, cogent and deeply held as to qualify as protected philosophical beliefs in the sense referred to in the Equality Act 2010.

This verdict, which establishes in clear terms that anti-Zionist views are not racist or anti-Semitic, and are in fact legitimate philosophical beliefs protected under the Equality Act 2010, drives a coach and horses through the claim that “anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism” – first made explicitly by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban in a speech in the United States in 1972. Despite facing widespread criticism from many experts and activists that it conflates anti-Semitism with criticism of Israel and its conduct in Palestine, the definition was adopted by several governments and leading institutions in the West in the past 10 years. The UK formally adopted the working definition in December 2016.

David Miller@Al Jazeera

Jeremy Corbyn will be delighted to hear this, i'm sure.
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