Zion and the Art of Armageddon

it does qualify
I did mention that some hold that view. Never looked at the detail but the argument appears to be on the severity of the embargo.
Given the veto I have wondered how the territories were deemed occupied in the first place. Suppose as taken via a war they had to be. The effect of the veto - far more UN decisions for me to be inclined to look at also comments that Israel takes no notice anyway.

According to the PM of Lebabon there is a ruling on their boarder with Israel. He feels that if this was enacted it would make his problems with terrorists far more easy to deal with as this is one of the major features that drive them.
There is also a green line wiki page.
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Breaking news from Norway where Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store has announced that his country will recognise an independent Palestinian state. An important step considering his country handles funding for the PA. It's becoming clear that Israel has overstepped its moral of self-defence and will be held accountable for the shocking destruction in the Gaza Strip. Future peace talks will be a witches brew and i wonder who could possibly mediate between them: Norway, perhaps? Why not. They've a central role between the warring factions and far enough from the madness that a neutral role would have credibility.

update: We must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike – two states, living side by side in peace and security. Recognition of Palestine can strengthen the moderate forces in Palestine, those working for a two-state solution. It can also strengthen moderate forces on the Israeli side and it can provide hope for the future for the Palestinians. This also sends a strong message to other countries to follow the example of Norway and a number of other European countries and recognise the state of Palestine. The ongoing war in Gaza has made it abundantly clear that achieving peace and stability must be predicated on resolving the Palestinian question. The goal is to achieve a Palestinian state that is politically cohesive and that derives from the Palestinian Authority. We believe the two-state solution is in Israel’s best interests.

Israel has recalled their ambassador to Norway and Ireland, who also recognise the Palestinin state, in response.
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On the above. Israel is up in arms about the recognitions and suggestions same in the US. Spain has joined in and others are expected to follow. The new joiners are seen as more important countries. It seems Sweden did this a while ago. There are a large number of countries that already do see Palestine as a state - a rather large proportion of the UN general assembly.
Reason appears to be to help force a true 2 state solution. Complaint - mainly giving way to terrorists.

Norway, perhaps?
Best look at the Oslo accord. Not much to read, I'll quote a bit
Elements of the far-right were so opposed to the Oslo Accords that Rabin himself was assassinated in 1995 for signing them.

You might think from this that Clinton figured. AlJ did a program that gave more detail on the process. There were Camp David talks going on and getting no where. In steps a Norwegian politician who held talks in secret at the same time. He did it by asking questions of both sides until some form of agreement could be reached. Known for keeping meticulous documentation. As done is secret these are not available. He received the peace prize. Where this fits in with the entire process pass. A quick web didn't bring up any details.

What were the PLO - terrorists. An old war idea. Assassinations may involve the person you could have negotiate with, This includes any sort of leader of some group or the other. The replacement that pops up may be worse. Pretty logical really.
Breaking news from Norway where Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store has announced that his country will recognise an independent Palestinian state.

Israel has recalled their ambassador to Norway and Ireland, who also recognise the Palestinin state, in response.
The news about Norway is particularly poignant for us...

And they were obviously the instigators of the Oslo agreement which Israel never had any intention of honouring!

Congratulations to Ireland and Spain who are also making a stand against Israel...

Let us hope that it is the kick that the UK needs to fully recognise the Palestine State, and call out Israel for what it is - a rogue state!
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Hows it going. 2 hospitals in north Gaza under siege. Death counts of 100 / day cropping up. Some Israeli politician visits the main mosque to try and stir up tension. Sometimes these lead processions of flag wavers in unfortnate places. The flag wavers are mostly the younger end of the population.

Edit. The UN reckon not enough water is going in. They probably include general hygiene such as dish washing etc. 3L /person per day is the average going in. Often polluted.
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Let us hope that it is the kick that the UK needs to fully recognise the Palestine State, and call out Israel for what it is - a rogue state!
The general consensus is that neither Germany or the UK will. The rest - wait and see.
The general consensus is that neither Germany or the UK will. The rest - wait and see.
Many other countries have recognised a Palestinian state...


Those countries who won't do so deserve a place in a worldwide hall of shame...

And the label of rogue state should be extended to those who support a rogue state (Israel) by default!
It's complicated. Setllements were removed from the Gaza strip. People dragged away kicking and screaming and still moaning and others wanting to do it again. The west bank has become an Israeli suburb. Attraction for many cheaper housing than the towns. Prices increasing.
It's complicated.
No it's not...

Israel continues a campaign of stealing Palestinian land (despite the temporary withdrawal from gaza), and there will never be peace until the Palestinians get their own state based on 1967 border lines...

No it's not...

Israel continues a campaign of stealing Palestinian land (despite the temporary withdrawal from gaza), and there will never be peace until the Palestinians get their own state based on 1967 border lines...


No Justice. No Peace.
A new criminal complaint has been submitted to the Metropolitan Police alleging potential British government officials’ complicity in aiding and abetting the intentional starvation of Palestinians. It supplements an existing complaint issued in January by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), arguing that UK politicians are criminally liable for their involvement in alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The new complaint names 22 individuals, including five senior UK government ministers. The ICJP complaint includes extensive evidence with harrowing details of how Israel’s blockade of Gaza and delays in allowing medicine, fuel, food and water into the Strip has resulted in appalling harm and suffering.

Al Jazeera

The Tories will leave one big steaming mess behind when they leave office. Now they can add aiding and abetting Genocide to their long list of misdeeeds.
A new criminal complaint has been submitted to the Metropolitan Police alleging potential British government officials’ complicity in aiding and abetting the intentional starvation of Palestinians. It supplements an existing complaint issued in January by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), arguing that UK politicians are criminally liable for their involvement in alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The new complaint names 22 individuals, including five senior UK government ministers. The ICJP complaint includes extensive evidence with harrowing details of how Israel’s blockade of Gaza and delays in allowing medicine, fuel, food and water into the Strip has resulted in appalling harm and suffering.

Al Jazeera

The Tories will leave one big steaming mess behind when they leave office. Now they can add aiding and abetting Genocide to their long list of misdeeeds.

Out of curiosity, how many Palestinians have starved to death?. we must have some figures by now.
Out of curiosity, how many Palestinians have starved to death?. we must have some figures by now.
As of April 1st it was 31 including 28 children.

Of course starvation as the sole cause of death isn't the only way it kills. You can't fight off infections or traumatic injuries if you're starving.

How many would be too many children starved to death for you?
As of April 1st it was 31 including 28 children.

Of course starvation as the sole cause of death isn't the only way it kills. You can't fight off infections or traumatic injuries if you're starving.

How many would be too many children starved to death for you?

IPC definition is more than 2 per 10,000 people per day.
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