Zion and the Art of Armageddon

IPC definition is more than 2 per 10,000 people per day.
Officially it's a threshold thing. For instance one of the ideas about the airdrops is one meal a day will sustain people but that doesn't mean it's good for general health. The early effects show up in the young and aspects such as breast milk. It can also effect development problems in the young. That one can be fixed if the right stuff is available at the right time.
Taken too far and we have seen the results in various media reports in places such as Africa. Again mostly the young. The UN view is totally avoid things getting to this stage, They have specific name for the stage where thing start getting like that. We have heard them even from the US. So even they press for more aid getting in. A secondary effect is the need for a balanced diet. Poor diets have all sorts of secondary effects on general health as does too little food.
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full description here.

I know it's not good John, but I'm always wary about the terms 'Genocide' and 'famine' in Gaza. I think the UN are on a sticky wicket already in that some of the cases brought against Israel are based on figures put out before the UN themselves almost halved their own statistics.
We won't know the full story until this ends and other players are in Gaza.

For the avoidance of doubt I'd like to see the Rafah crossing opened and aid pushed through. Hamas themselves are not helping this situation.
full description here.

I know it's not good John, but I'm always wary about the terms 'Genocide' and 'famine' in Gaza. I think the UN are on a sticky wicket already in that some of the cases brought against Israel are based on figures put out before the UN themselves almost halved their own statistics.
We won't know the full story until this ends and other players are in Gaza.

For the avoidance of doubt I'd like to see the Rafah crossing opened and aid pushed through. Hamas themselves are not helping this situation.
The UN didn't have their estimates, that's a misrepresentation of the facts.

The UN switched to a different mortality report, the total dead was still around 35,000 but they differ on how they report age and gender percentages and totals when the bodies are too damaged to identify accurately.
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Lots are confused by the term. Rwanda had one form some years ago. A tribal thing where one lot just went round killing the other with the intent to get rid of them entirely.

Israel can be accused of some of that in terms of collateral damage but there are other rules involved. Best kept simple and the only way I can describe them. Essentially actions which interfere with a culture preventing it's development that may result in it's end. Apartheid can figure but is also a subject in it's own right. The west bank is a glaring example plus the occupied territory rules also a separate subject in it's own right. Gaza - severe embargo. All sorts factors can come into it so ICC says this could be genocide which means Israel has to do certain things to prepare for an eventual investigation. Strangling aid is a complete no no so they also say up it. Then add the points I made about the aid that is getting in.

UN, ICC, ICJ. The law. The security council ????????

Personally I think Israel is good at shooting itself in the foot and has been for rather a long time. This started long ago even when the UK was trying to control it. League of nations time. Arabs attack why - land grabs. Maybe they shouldn't have but arguing it was all their fault is blinkered Has much changed - not really. The same general attitude is still around.

Take the latest. Hospital with loads of patients stating that very shortly they will run out of fuel. This one does sound serious. Fact is this is Israel's responsibility. Can't they drive tankers? Another in the north has been under siege, Now evacuation ordered. PLO peace deal. The Israeli who signed it - they assassinated him. Did it work out as planned - no.
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The international court of justice is expected to issue a new ruling on Israel’s conduct of its war in Gaza at 3pm [today], as the US expressed concern over Israel’s growing diplomatic isolation among countries that have traditionally supported it. Amid speculation that the ICJ could order a halt to Israel’s offensive, a second top global court – the international criminal court – identified the three judges who will hear a request for arrest warrants against Hamas leaders, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and its defence minister, Yoav Gallant.

The latest legal moves come as Israeli media reported that Israel Defense Forces had concluded that troops had “breached regulations” when they killed a UN staff member and wounded a second one last week in Gaza when a marked UN vehicle was shelled and hit with a drone-dropped grenade.

get the real story @the Grauniad

'breached regulations' they say. Targeted murder, more like.
Over 750,000 evacuated from Rafah so far, the Egyptians are getting twitchy, what will the tunnels reveal?
Over 750,000 evacuated from Rafah so far, the Egyptians are getting twitchy, what will the tunnels reveal?
Fled is a better description. Evacuated implies someone is helping them.

The Egyptians are getting worried as Israel is in violation of their agreements with Israel that the Rafa crossing wouldn't be militarised.
Israel claims they've "evacuated the residents of Gaza to a refugee camp".

The reality is they've been forced into a camp full of plastic 'tents' with no access to water, in unsanitary conditions, and barely enough food to get them through the day.
Fled is a better description. Evacuated implies someone is helping them.

The Egyptians are getting worried as Israel is in violation of their agreements with Israel that the Rafa crossing wouldn't be militarised.

The Egyptians are worried that the tunnels will reveal the extent to which they have been complicit in helping arm Hamas. Suspicions were aroused a few weeks back when Egypt had secretly made alterations to the ceasefire deal Israel had agreed to.
Arabs are, by nature, a duplicitous bunch.
The Egyptians are worried that the tunnels will reveal the extent to which they have been complicit in helping arm Hamas. Suspicions were aroused a few weeks back when Egypt had secretly made alterations to the ceasefire deal Israel had agreed to.
Arabs are, by nature, a duplicitous bunch.
Mmmm, lazy racism.
Mmmm, lazy racism.
Israel has revealed very little about what they have found concerning tunnels. No video of the amazing HAMAS control centre is one example. I've seen shots of Israeli war cabinet sitting around a laptop with a few IDF around.

Egypt. They had to introduce what could be called martial law post 67. Fact is concerning Arab states is that all have similarities. Even Iran if their direct actions with bad boys is ignored. Despotic rulers. Iran rocked the boat when they had a revolution. Bad boys tend to group together. Deemed bad one way or another by western powers.
The ICJ ordered Israel not to continue attacking Rafah...

Which Israel did minutes later after that ruling...

Israel is a rogue state and should be hit with similar sanctions as those imposed on North Korea, Iran and Russia...

Not to do so is a criminal neglect of international law!
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