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Brexit: Are you happy right now that you voted as you did?

  • I voted out. I'm glad I voted out

  • I voted remain. I'm glad I voted remain

  • I voted out. I wish I'd voted remain

  • I voted remain. I wish I'd voted out.

  • I don't care any more

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Brexit will be forever a Tory badge of shame. Any successive government would have to revert to a North Korea style economy to do any worse. I actually feel pity for Theresa.
I can certainly refute.

Someone who is prepared to ignore facts and instead create arguments rooted in fantasy can refute anything they like.

Doesn't make them anything other than barking mad, though.
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I actually feel pity for Theresa.
She knew what she was doing.

Just like all the quitlings knew, as they keep on telling us, that they were voting to make the country poorer and to remain bound by rules and regulations which they didn't like but with no power over.
As a remainer that opinion is understandable. Its interesting to see other opinions on the EU
"In particular, he didn’t want Muslims to be allowed in. According to him, they are a threat to the Christian identity of Europe."

By definition, nobody who says that can have a single view on anything which has any value or is worthy of consideration. He has a defective mind.
The other day I had to explain to a very religious christian that the Sun and the Stars are basically the same (one has planets orbiting them), she wouldn't accept it. However, the same person could offer very good accountancy and financial advice. Plenty of people have odd ideas, the key is to understand why they think like that and respect their rights to hold such an opinion. You'd be foolish to dismiss everything they said.

Someone who is prepared to ignore facts and instead create arguments rooted in fantasy can refute anything they like.

Doesn't make them anything other than barking mad, though.
Ha ha.
The irony -claiming Ive ignored facts, whilst not presenting any yourself -you havent even tried to counter what I posted.

I wonder why :ROFLMAO:
What is clear is that thise on the left cant use the new labour period as an indication
No, but we could always vote Labour into power and wait and see. The Tories seem to be doing their best to encourage a Labour government too.(y)
She knew what she was doing.

Just like all the quitlings knew, as they keep on telling us, that they were voting to make the country poorer and to remain bound by rules and regulations which they didn't like but with no power over.
Sheds the distorter
The Tories seem to be doing their best to encourage a Labour government too

Theyve only done badly on a few policies; police, NHS, education, trains, benefit system, leading people out of poverty.

Its lucky Brexit isnt taking up much of governments time.
This is an obvious troll.

Notch is not to be treated like an adult.
You seem to forget even JohnMcDonnell said they had done war game style predictions and planning for a 'run on the pound' -as capital flees the country.

JohnD needs to wake and smell the coffee
Notch makes a feeble and unsuccessful attempt to justify his trolling.
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