Airbus fury

Although there will be some administrative changes needed for Airbus when we leave the EU, costs will not increase and the logistical upheaval of relocating Airbus's British manufacturing plants may be more than Airbus is willing to do.

Flesh out why you think costs will not increase? Is that analysis based on a soft Brexit?
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You omitted the word 'first' in that 'fake news' announcement...

I wonder why? ;)

Telling the truth as always hurts liars...

Have you worked out why you won't answer a direct question yet?

Hint: See the 'truth' line above :)

Good grief, do you need it explained again.

Your posts get deleted because you resort to abusive personal attacks, usually you make then when youve lost the argument :ROFLMAO:
Flesh out why you think costs will not increase? Is that analysis based on a soft Brexit?
I'm very sorry, but the term "Soft Brexit" is a media construct and is therefore meaningless unless you can state exactly the trade agreement that will be implemented between the UK and EU following Brexit.. Unless you can do that, then any analysis would be pointless and misleading, surly. I assume that we will leave the EU and trade under WTO rules and this is why there will be no increase in costs. Can you explain to us all what you believe that costs might increase and on what your beliefs are based on?
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A typical RWR brexiteer opinion.(y)
It is not an opinion, it is a fact. Airbus will lose nothing, they were never in the running for the replacement of the E3 sentry fleet (The contract in question) the main reason for that is that Airbus do not manufacture a product for the replacement of the E3. That is the problem when people go believing the media..
I'm very sorry, but the term "Soft Brexit" is a media construct and is therefore meaningless

As is "hard Brexit". Both created by scare mongering lwr.
"Hard" which is claimed to be bad and "Soft" we just remain part of the eu.
Dumb lwr.
unless you can state exactly the trade agreement that will be implemented between the UK and EU following Brexit

Not even our own front line Brexit policy makers, negotiators and decision makers can do that. Ask any Tory. All we know is that Brexit will be sh ite. It is just a question of how shi ite.
It is not an opinion
Yes, it is. The aero industry is worth about £95 billion to this country. Airbus is NOT the UK aero industry. A hard Brexit will affect the aero industry.
Why you are focusing only Airbus and some poxy £2bill contract is baffling. It does highlight how quickly things will go South though.

Not even our own front line Brexit policy makers, negotiators and decision makers can do that. Ask any Tory. All we know is that Brexit will be sh ite. It is just a question of how shi ite.
Yes, indeed it will be in my personal opinion. It is time for remainers and leavers to join forces to apply pressure on Mrs May. Is it possible that we could see the resurgence of UKIP and remainers voting for them... We live in interesting times
Yes, it is. The aero industry is worth about £95 billion to this country. Airbus is NOT the UK aero industry. A hard Brexit will affect the aero industry.
Why you are focusing only Airbus and some poxy £2bill contract is baffling. It does highlight how quickly things will go South though.
I concentrate on the story of Airbus being very angry at losing a contract that they were never going to win because they don't make the product. The original post was about that was it not? it may be that with Boeing investing in the country there may be closer ties for future defence contracts as the Eurofighter Typhoon ages I believe that Boeing had a better design aircraft when tendering for the contract won by Lockheed but it suffered some failures at crucial points. But that is only opinion
I'm very sorry, but the term "Brexit" is a political construct and is therefore meaningless unless you can state exactly the trade agreement that will be implemented between the UK and EU following Brexit. Unless you can do that, then any analysis would be pointless and misleading.

But of course we knew the Brexit campaign had, and has, no substance.

That's why none of the Brexiteers will say what they thought they were voting for.
I'm very sorry, but the term "Brexit" is a political construct and is therefore meaningless unless you can state exactly the trade agreement that will be implemented between the UK and EU following Brexit. Unless you can do that, then any analysis would be pointless and misleading.

But of course we knew the Brexit campaign had, and has, no substance.
Be fair! Britain's Exit (Of the EU) was never going to win. It was a total noodledoodle idea. But here we are.
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