Airbus fury

I don't want her doing that, she would stop me buying cheap tools that don't work and I don't need :ROFLMAO:
But at least you would end up with quality meat instead of all that horrific wooly tasteless rubbish the big name supermarkets sell.
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But at least you would end up with quality meat instead of all that horrific wooly tasteless rubbish the big name supermarkets sell.
Surly you don't buy your meat from supermarkets do you? You'll be telling us next that you drink Pasteurised milk and Sunny Delight..Oh My!
How does buying tools improve the quality of meat?
Is Aldi not a big supermarket?

Sorry, just bored as there's nothing on telly now the men's tennis final is finished.

At least England won yesterday.
Surly you don't buy your meat from supermarkets do you?
Aldi - yes. It's the best way to buy half decent meat if you are a lazy shopper. Busy, busy family with the two sprogs, business, wife in full time employment, hobbies, friends. You know the dance.
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Aldi - yes. It's the best way to buy half decent meat if you are a lazy shopper. Busy, busy family with the two sprogs, business, wife in full time employment, hobbies, friends. You know the dance.
Oh, I see... I get my meat from the Butcher's shop down the road. Locally supplied Lamb, beef and pork. He cures his own bacon and cuts it as thick or as thin as we like. Perhaps you would have more time if you spent less time on the internet.... I'm currently having a very lazy few days lazing in the garden
I see, perhaps it would help if you were to ask them in a way that they understand, perhaps you vocabulary is out of their league. It is well know that people who voted remain are the superior race.. Some of them even shop at Waitrose

poor old blackie is unable to make a grown-up response.
poor old blackie is unable to make a grown-up response.
You seem to be unable to differentiate between a childish response and a light hearted response that highlights how remain voters see themselves. Please accept my humble apologies if my humour is beyond your comprehension.
havent read all the thread so forgive me iff my thoughts out off date :D
my origional thoughts where a 5 or 10% contraction in the uk economy because off brexit in the short term
i now think as we have already had a perhaps 5%plus devaluation in the pound it will be perhaps 10-15% at least in the short term
we may get growth but will take many years to at least catch up perhaps say 3-5 as a minimum
i dont think my thoughts are unreasonable i could off course be very wrong but no one actually knows any one saying otherwise in my eyes at best will be misinformed at worst misleading to lying
for everyone who thought brexit was a painless costless procedure with only upsides i am afraid you are in for an unhappy dissapointing time whilst the downside kicks in for perhaps several years before any upside :(
I doubt that anyone voting to leave believed that it would be all beer and skittles and there will be challenges ahead. Many of them are pretty predictable, some are ones that may arise from a chain of events that may not have even started yet but we must also ask ourselves what would the challenges of remaining in the EU, again many would have been predictable but equally there may have been some that we hadn't envisaged and since we have changed our course may never know how close we came to a disaster.. Many see the devaluation of the pound as a bad thing but China constantly work to devalue the Yuan, it is what has made their manufacturing industry so strong, Some see reduced immigration as bad because we need workers, well what do we do with all of these workers when they retire and need care? Import more? similarly with more people coming here to live, this puts housing in high demand, good for the economy and private land lords but not so good for the young couple trying to buy their own home. The UK will have to learn how to stand on its own two feet and how to lead itself again, we see the product of a pro EU politician in Number 10 now, she has no idea how to stand up for her self and the only reason she got the job is because no one else had a clue either but they knew that the job of Brexit PM was a trip to oblivion. Of course there will always be those who are terrified of new challenges and at the sign of any difficulty conclude that the only solution is to run back to what they know and hide under Mutti Merkel's skirt, these people are life's losers who have built their lives around a spreadsheet and a timetable and won't get out of bed in the morning until they are certain that today will be as beige as yesterday
devaluing your currency only works if you have cheap cheap cheap the uk is expensive so devaluation doesnt make the uk more competitive to any great extent
we dont in general have a cheap manufacturing base only a small fairly premium level so makes little difference
It seems that the Airbus debacle requires a 'bribe' with taxpayers money...

Of course this just gives the green light to other corporates to elicit all sorts of other 'bribes'.
I thought we were getting loads of money back for leaving, not paying out to keep companies here?

Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving!
It is not just Airbus that will lose out because of Brexit, the whole aerospace industry will need additional funding from the government to maintain its competitiveness prevent paralysis.
Theresa May is to promise extra investment for the aerospace industry, just days after Airbus threatened to reduce its UK presence because of Brexit disruption.
The UK aviation sector generates turnover of about £60bn and supports almost a million jobs. British aerospace exports alone were worth £30bn in 2017.

However, industry trade association ADS has warned the sector could be paralysed if Britain leaves the EU customs union and single market, given its dependence on cross-border trade in components.

This supposed £350M is being spent over and over again.
supporting NHS, car industry, aerospace industry, farmers, fishermen........
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I'm very sorry, but the term "Soft Brexit" is a media construct and is therefore meaningless unless you can state exactly the trade agreement that will be implemented between the UK and EU following Brexit.. Unless you can do that, then any analysis would be pointless and misleading, surly. I assume that we will leave the EU and trade under WTO rules and this is why there will be no increase in costs. Can you explain to us all what you believe that costs might increase and on what your beliefs are based on?

You are the one with beliefs.

If we trade on WTO with the EU - will we charge tariffs on trade with the EU which we did not before being part of the single market and CU?

WTO tariffs vary by sector - for example can you tell me the tariff on engines?

So if tariffs are charged then wouldnt that be a cost increase?

But tell me why under WTO you don't see a cost increase.
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