Drain problem (2 problems)

9 Jun 2014
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United Kingdom
View media item 95464
View media item 95465
Today i was digging down to sort out my Channels for the drainage of my new patio. I saw water rise around the base of the soil stack. so i got digging and found the drain was cracked at the T junction plus the pipe was full of ****.

So i ripped the bits out and renewed which you can see in the photo.

However the pipe work is still backing up with water as thegully trap on the right is now full of water.

So i still have a blockage down the line. Tomorrow i will use my rods and jet wash machine to see if i can unblock the thing.

Would you recommend i get a camera in to see if there is more damage down the line ?

Second question.....

How do i get my drainage channel to fall into my new round gully trap. Before i had an old large square trap and there was room for the channel to unload into it. The photos show how it will sit. It has to be in front of the soil pipe and so must be further away from the wall than the gully sits. Could i buy a different gully tomorrow ? Any recommendations for this problem.
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Its an interesting thing to have the patio draining backwards towards the house.
Have you the path of the drain to the next point, manhole cover? Any hedges/trees/building works (including fence posts)?
I would just rod it out, unless the manhole is also flooded, which you should check first.
A shared manhole which flooded right on my border, which had a 6" outlet (with a rodding eye) was flooded, bl**dy sewerage down my garden! The cause was "disposable" wipes that my neighbour was using, unlike toilet paper they are strong when soaked. I pulled out over 30 from the manhole!!! that fixed the problem and the smell in the garden just sort of went away.
Bringing the patio towards the house is the simplest thing to do. But you need to use the drainage channels.

Just spoken to Y. water and it is their problem as the drainage system is shared and so they will come tomorrow. There is a manhole which i forgot to look at today.

So i think they will rod and camera it. Fingers crossed all ok.

Now i need some help with connecting my channels into the gully :)
I would look at a different gulley with a back inlet connection. Using a slow radius bed, turn the gulley so the outlet and back inlet are parallel with the wall, then a couple of 90deg bends should join you to the outlet on the bottom of the channel drain. Use a gulley riser if need be to bring the gulley grating up to finished level.
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