Fly Tipping

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Not the worst case by a long chalk, but it makes me sick nonetheless.

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Hazardous waste........
To think though, To the council who pick that up, it will probably cost around £60..... :cry:
In the area where I live fly tipping is definitely on the increase. Only last weekend whilst walking the dog, I came across a shopping trolley from the nearby supermarket laden with turfs and domestic waste, dumped in the middle of the park. Green waste fly tipping seems to form the main percentage (even though the council offer a bin scheme for about £40 p.a.) followed by DIY waste. The increase seems to be linked to the tighter restrictions (1 bag per week) at the refuse sites.
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nstreet said:
The increase seems to be linked to the tighter restrictions (1 bag per week) at the refuse sites.

Certainly is

Here you cannot take a van into the refuse site becasue it is automatically considered to be carrying trade waste and the jobs-worth attendant would not change his mind even when shown it was clearly domestic refuse.

An hour later the same waste on the back seat of a Rolls Royce driven by the van driver was accepted by the same attendant . ( alright it wasn't a roller but if the attendant can be stupid so can I )
I live in the sticks and burn all my waste. Guess you city dwellers dont have that option though.
Well its contributing to global warming at the end of the day which will mean a warmer UK hence I can turn my stat down lower and conserve fuel. :D
securespark said:
Not the worst case by a long chalk, but it makes me sick nonetheless.

if that had been a plasterers bucket would`ve been full o` **** :mad: :LOL:
a bucket of knocked off tiles

Eh Ba Gum....

while working down in the City of London in the 90s

remember seeing the paddy /Murphy road workers scratching their heads stood beside a pile of road spoil ....wondering how an old bathroom suite an tiles ended up with their waste .....;)
there is a road near my parents that goes over the top of a hill by farmland. there is always old sofas rubbish etc there. What gets me is it is a permanently busy road and yet people still do it!
Moz said:
a bucket of knocked off tiles

Eh Ba Gum....

while working down in the City of London in the 90s

remember seeing the paddy /Murphy road workers scratching their heads stood beside a pile of road spoil ....wondering how an old bathroom suite an tiles ended up with their waste .....;) are such a naughty boy :LOL:
B*****s to it ...GLC Yes ...Red Ken an his quangos/IRA (surrendered for an easter egg , lol )support /dodgy backhanders , NO !

we (my mate an me )went down South like Tory Tebbit said a vw campervan not push bike ..

an you know what I didnt take a cat but them streets /bathrooms were pathed with Gold , ;)

worked flipping hard , if you saw the Ken Loach film *Riff Raff * you get the idea
bernardgreen said:
nstreet said:
The increase seems to be linked to the tighter restrictions (1 bag per week) at the refuse sites.

Certainly is

Here you cannot take a van into the refuse site becasue it is automatically considered to be carrying trade waste and the jobs-worth attendant would not change his mind even when shown it was clearly domestic refuse.

An hour later the same waste on the back seat of a Rolls Royce driven by the van driver was accepted by the same attendant . ( alright it wasn't a roller but if the attendant can be stupid so can I )

I have trouble taking my garden waste to the local tip in my sign written (Electrical engineers) van as they class it as trade waste, I could understand it if it was full of old light fittings but they turn me away all the same!!
The trouble is it is more easy for the council to prosecute the law abiding
citizen with all these now petty bylaws they have introduced then to go after the real fly-tipping criminals.
Only the other day I read in the paper that a disable women fell foul of the rubbish Nazi's.Her crime?Instead of putting her wheelie bin on the paverment,God forbid,she put in a foot away from the pavement inside her drive.
The bin men had a discussion whether to take it or not.They decided to go by the rules,all rules must be obeyed,and left it there.

As she was disabled,she could not run after them.She phoned their office
and was told that it is not the bin mens job to collect her wheelie bin from her drive.They told her that as a mark of a good well gesture,they will come back and collect it.Next time you will have to put it onto the pavement.
Now I thought about this.Dose this go against Health and Safety?Having an obstruction on the pavement. Still that's another matter.
What are we paying our very high council tax for?This is a land of little Hitlers now.A punish honest citizen state.
Not sure if this is classed as fly tipping, but they certainly should have shifted this lot. Some tree surgeons cut down a very tall tree and left all the wood on the ground. Wonder how long it will take to decompose. (Down a back alley behind our house)

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