...Foot washes up on beach

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don't they nibble all year round?

Only when they are 'around' ...

...The well-endowed Cerne Abbas Giant etched onto a Dorset hillside has become obscured by vegetation and moss after a wet start to the summer.
The situation has been worsened by a shortage of sheep farmers to lend their flocks to the National Trust.
It usually borrows around 100 sheep for a few weeks in May and September to graze on the vegetation and keep the giant in shape.

The naked, sexually aroused, club-wielding figure is also due for a re-chalk in September to brighten up its outline.
Rob Rhodes, National Trust head warden for west Dorset, said: "Every year we have sheep on the hillside eating the grass to keep the giant visible.
"We rely on local farmers and the way agriculture is going at the moment, there's hardly any sheep left in that part of Dorset."...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6527966434248029824&ei=svJdSNi_HYO8rwKarNGhDw&hl=en 'burp' !

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