Freedom of Speech Does Not Include the Right to Offend

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11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
So said someone on R5L this morning

Trouble is, where do you stop?

Everybody finds something offensive, so if you include that, there is very little left.

The police on a separate occasion have said they will prosecute if the "victim" feels offended.....Wow!
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I can't see how that works..

For example

I say to a Muslim I'm Christian and I believe my god is the best god,

They are going to be instantly offended.

Likewise he could say he feels his god is best. Offending me.

The fact is they are individual opinions and therefore there will be people who disagree with that opinion.
I can't see how that works..

For example

I say to a Muslim I'm Christian and I believe my god is the best god,

They are going to be instantly offended.

Likewise he could say he feels his god is best. Offending me.

The fact is they are individual opinions and therefore there will be people who disagree with that opinion.
You under estimate the intelligence of both Muslims and Christians.
They would probably agree that 'both Gods' are in fact the same God.
They simply worship Him/Her differently.
Some teacher from a grammar school has been suspended over a cartoon he showed in a lesson

Teacher has had to go into hiding due to threats from the religious fruit cakes

jeez us the UK is getting like France:eek:
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Freedom of speech should be seen in the wider context of freedom to express yourself, including freedom to protest.

The same people arguing for unlimited freedom of speech are quick to curtail freedom to protest.
I play a lot of cricket and there are about 10 or a dozen Asian lads in my club - half a dozen of whom I count as good friends. Games against Asian opposition can get very, VERY, heated. The Asian lads in our team are unbelievable sometimes and it is usually the white lads trying to calm them down. I couldn't repeat the abuse, but believe me it is proper offensive, attacking where they were born, their families, their culture, everything and anything. Once back over the white line our Asian lads laugh it off saying not to worry, it's expected.

I'm not defending it as such, personally I prefer a calm game where you just get on with the cricket, and it isn't a justification, but it does make you realise that white people who are outraged at every vague nuance of what they believe is racist, or offensive, probably don't ever, properly, come into contact with other cultures and actually have no idea.
You should listen to Italians arguing.
Most things we say during an argument are considered a crime here.
And also the jokes.
Irish used to be the same, I wonder if they still do it back home.
I see transam is still being protected in his attempts to ferment racial hatred against Asians.
His comments stand, using the phrase "Chinese virus" remains, and my comments criticising his use of the term are deleted, and described as irrelevant squabbling.
could be brexit or this Chinese virus caper or a combination of both
Yes it’s a variant of the Chinese virus
Yep it’s a chinese virus either they were playing around with it in a lab and it got out due to poor security
or it came about due to there back ward practices
Low standards ?
that taken with the fact that this Chinese virus caper has probably had a greater affect than on others
but u can get 10 years for this Chinese virus caper
Plus many many more, three pages of them like this:

But transam's references are allowed to remain and criticism of him is deleted.
This is worrying when it has been reported that the use of the term "Chinese virus" has been known to promote and increase cases of racial hatred against Asians.
Covid-19 Fueling Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia Worldwide
Several political parties and groups, including in the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Greece, France, and Germany have also latched onto the Covid-19 crisis to advance anti-immigrant, white supremacist, ultra-nationalist, anti-semitic, and xenophobic conspiracy theories that demonize refugees, foreigners, prominent individuals, and political leaders.
But transam is being protected in his promotion of anti-Asian rhetoric.
Where do you stand on 'British variant'. Favourite mantra doing the rounds in Brussels at the moment.
I play a lot of cricket and there are about 10 or a dozen Asian lads in my club - half a dozen of whom I count as good friends. Games against Asian opposition can get very, VERY, heated. The Asian lads in our team are unbelievable sometimes and it is usually the white lads trying to calm them down. I couldn't repeat the abuse, but believe me it is proper offensive, attacking where they were born, their families, their culture, everything and anything. Once back over the white line our Asian lads laugh it off saying not to worry, it's expected.

I'm not defending it as such, personally I prefer a calm game where you just get on with the cricket, and it isn't a justification, but it does make you realise that white people who are outraged at every vague nuance of what they believe is racist, or offensive, probably don't ever, properly, come into contact with other cultures and actually have no idea.

You should listen to Italians arguing.
Most things we say during an argument are considered a crime here.
And also the jokes.
Irish used to be the same, I wonder if they still do it back home.
Racial hatred issues in white, western societies, by white people against BAME people is a reflection of the systemic, systematic, historic and societal discrimination experienced by BAME people.
All such incidences serve to reinforce those systemic, systematic, historic and societal prejudices.
For example, when English people insult Scottish people along nationalistic lines, it is not a reflection of any subjugation, or continued discrimination of either group.
When white people abuse BAME people along a nationalistic basis, it is perceived as a reinforcement and a continuation of historic bigotry. Such discrimination becomes endemic and systemic so that individual actors become unaware of their internalised prejudice, and continue such discrimination unconsciously.

There is also a difference in insults based on a class, or the remnants of a class system, compared to racial abuse.
Where do you stand on 'British variant'. Favourite mantra doing the rounds in Brussels at the moment.
There is a difference in using descriptions to identify things, and using terms to promote racial hatred.
Transam's xenophobia is abundantly evident. He exploits any and every opportunity to promote his hatred and division in society.
The use of the term "Chinese virus" by transam, is a perfect example and opportunity for him to ferment such racial hatred and division.
Look at the number of times transam exploits the opportunity to use the term.

I could easily provide ample evidence to show how transam pursues campaigns against foreigners, whether it is Romanians, Chinese, Iranians, Muslims, French, etc.
Some teacher from a grammar school has been suspended over a cartoon he showed in a lesson

Teacher has had to go into hiding due to threats from the religious fruit cakes

jeez us the UK is getting like France:eek:
It was a cartoon used in the Charlie Hebdo magazine.
If a teacher is unable to recognise when or if a cartoon should be used in a teaching scenario, he should consult his peers.
If he is incapable of doing that, or thinks he does not need to do that, or does not have the intelligence to discern when he should do that, he is not fit to teach, and possibly harbours an inappropriate motive.
Not quite........ He’s still alive.

you make a fair point

teacher will have to be careful though or the same thing could happen to him as happened in France :eek:

Mind u there are more fruit cakes there than in the UK

may be :idea:
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