Liar .............

Martian. Have you seen the video? Did Ian Tomlinson look like a drunken thug or act in a threatening manner? Nah of course he didn't . Harwood wasn't in fear of his pathetic life (as he claims ) He was tasked with staying with a police van, yet abandoned this simple order after 20 minutes and went looking for some "action."
Anyone who believes Harwood was fearful for his safety, has only got to ask themselves this. "Would you violently push someone who had their hands in their pockets and their back to you. in such a situation?"

Even other policemen have said they were shocked at the actions of this vile piece of scum . (and that's coming from Met officers)
Nah Harwood is a nasty piece of work. Unfit to wear the uniform of a humble security guard, far less the uniform of a Metropolitan police officer.
I sincerely hope this piece of filth is found guilty and given a long stretch in an HMP and isn't afforded the protection of solitary confinement.
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Seems most bods have gone to bed... but i challenge all of you to leave any political stance at home before you respond to this... (oh and ignore Joe the Antagonist - he just loves a row.)

The police are charged with a huge responsibiity, and clearly the London riots were difficult. But as a decent citizen, i would respond accordingly to a fireman who said "don';t go down that road there's a fire" or a soldier who said "the insurgents have a sniper post, go that way"... so there's a riot and a you're faced with a row of riot police... don't get on your high horse... get on your horse ffs and get out of town..

If this guy had 'issues' or medical problems... then the fault lies with his carers. or medical advice... not the copper trying to maintain law and order for the rest of us !!!

Absolute nonsense the guy may have been in ill health so what, the cretins actions in pushing an elderly man in poor health who was walking away from him with his hands in his pockets is inexcusable, He obviously didn't intend to kill him but that's not the point his actions resulted in a death. Apparently he was riled up because of an earlier incident.

Interestingly he refused to answer questions when interviewed and read a prepared statement.

He lowered his body braced himself and gave an almighty push, he wasn't just moving him along he intended for him to go full length and he did.....................Deserves a life sentence.

Oh and "

"I can remember people kicking out at police dogs and bottles being dropped and thrown."

Video footage later showed the street almost empty as 47-year-old Mr Tomlinson moved slowly away from the police line with his hands in his pockets.

It was originally claimed he died of a heart attack until footage shot was released of the attack by Harwood.

Read more:
If this guy had 'issues' or medical problems... then the fault lies with his carers. or medical advice... not the copper trying to maintain law and order for the rest of us !!!

Oh yeah what a cop out. Lets blame others.
There's only one thing that caused the death of this unfortunate man. And that one thing, is presently on trial for manslaughter.
What do people expect the Police to do in a riot situation, battered all day long with bricks and bottles.?

Hand out flowers?

As stated, it was not a riot. That aside, I do not expect them to hand out flowers either, but to act in the cool calm and measured manner in which they have been trained to in exactly this kind of situation.

but that copper never set out to kill anyone...

Look, as I see it, and as I keep trying to teach my kids, it's cause and effect.

The copper maintains his strike was not expected to bring down the victim.

But, looking at the video, if you hit someone that hard, who has their hands in their pockets, you'd be an idiot to think that would not cause an injury of some sort. And if he banged or jolted his head, it could be game over.

There's no way of knowing.

Harwood has all the appearance of a violent thug who, if he were not in uniform, would be arrested for such an assault. Throw the book at him.
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As stated, it was not a riot. That aside, I do not expect them to hand out flowers either, but to act in the cool calm and measured manner in which they have been trained to in exactly this kind of situation.

It was a riot.....that started as a protest.

Police officers dont get hospitalised, millions of pounds damage, lengthy jail terms for violence....during a protest.

Yes there where people there whos aim was to protest....there where people there whos aim was to cause mayhem.
Harwood has all the appearance of a violent thug who, if he were not in uniform, would be arrested for such an assault. Throw the book at him.


And can anyone explain how that thug was allowed to be in that uniform?

Just to remind people...

Pc Harwood left the Metropolitan Police a decade ago amid controversy over an alleged off-duty road rage incident, then got a job with Surrey Police, where he was accused of using excessive force.....

The married 43 year-old had been due to face a misconduct hearing over the alleged road rage incident, understood to have happened in the late 1990s, but instead retired on medical grounds.

A few years later, the father of two rejoined the Met as a civilian computer worker before applying to Surrey Police for a job as a police constable in May 2003.

Pc Harwood spent a year and half working in Surrey before applying to be transferred back to the Met in the autumn of 2004. However, during his time at Surrey he faced a complaint about his alleged behaviour while on duty.

Pc Harwood returned to the Met in November 2004, but it is unclear whether the force was aware of the previous misconduct procedure, or whether there had been a failure in its vetting process.
The guy is a psychopath, and like all psychopaths is a craven coward. I note that he didn't pick on someone that could hit him back. The public will demand he goes to prison. He'll find plenty of people to hit him back in there. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
One also has to remember that this trial only happened because Joe Public twice got involved. First was when pictures taken on mobile phones were given to the press, second was when a coroner's jury returned a verdict of Unlawful Killing.

The Met Police covered up their involvement. They initially claimed that their officers were the first on the scene to provide first aid and that was it.

The IPCC were useless, as they usually are when investigating their colleagues in the Met.

The CPS decided not to prosecute, probably didn't trust a jury, which is common enough.

So it's taken three years for a jury to look at the evidence. Had I knocked somebody to the ground and he then died, and half a dozen police officers were standing there watching, I'd be up in front of a court within a couple of days. Unless I was a fellow cop of course.....
Sorry LMB. That definitely wasn't just a simple push in the back to get someone moving along. PC Harwood, is and was nothing but a violent thug. Using his position as a police officer to bully anyone who got in his way that day. Ian Tomlinson certainly didn't show any sign of being a troublemaker. For starters , how many troublemakers do you know who walk along with their hands in their pockets?
You must have watched a completely different video to the one the rest of us have seen.

No John, I've seen the video a thousand times, my view hasn't changed.

Can you hand on heart say that copper intended death by pushing ?

The answer has to be no, surely.

He died because he was a walking timebomb, fueled with alcohol and ready to pop. It was indeed unfortunate. But like I said it is what it is.

Tomlinson was hardly fits the profile of a hoody rioter and the police were hardly confronted by rioters, they look retentively calm walking along moving people on.

Tomlinson was moving on however slow and unsteady on his feet. The copper may not have intended to kill the man but his actions did cause his death.

Tomlinson was not threat and was not showing any signs of violence. Copper should get life.
This thug should be made an example off so as to discourage others doing similar in the future.
Be very surprised if he got prison, there's lot like him out there, as said it would of been swept under the carpet but for the public getting involved with the videos. It's a law for them and a different law for us.

Been there,seen it all before.If he got life, i'd happily do six months at the side of him, just to show him the ropes, made from bedsheets. "the swinging policeman".
The swinging policeman? Are you saying you want sex with him?
Ok, for what it's worth, i'll explain my statements..

Firstly to say i know nothing of the history of Harwood, and i'm not supporting him per se.

Secondly, in hindsight things can seem so very different to how the events panned out at the time.

My response was directly to the OP

"Seen the video, legs bent for maximum bracing effect and a shove to send him sprawling, and he had his hands in his pockets..............

Been obstructive !, what a damn liar............. "

How i see things AT THE TIME THIS HAPPENED are this... a riot is kicking off all over London (we don't know how organised) so the police need to get control...i imagine orders are handed down to clear streets etc.. 'kettle' if need be... but the point of this is not for the fun of the police, it's to PROTECT US, and to PROTECT BUSINESS and also to PREVENT CRIME.

It's hugely debateable as to how much force to use, but 'reasonable' is the key. I'm happy that, usually, a strike around the leg is not going to risk a death. Also happy with a 'robust' shove.... the police have to assert themselves and i think what Harwood physically did was within the realms of acceptability.
You can't expect the police in this kind of situation to offer out disclaimer forms and pens... reasonable also means "on average".

Afterwards you talk about past history, and hiding id's... i'm totally against all that.

But i ask you lot what do you want in place of this current police force? how would you police this country?
Well you have to have thugs in the police to deal with the thugs in the criminal fraternity. However they need to be kept in cages back at the station and only let out on short leashes at appropriate times and they need to be controlled by a sergeant who knows his stuff. They shouldn't be allowed to be in contact with the law abiding majority in the general public.

No shortage of thugs in the Met. Come across plenty socially, professionally and on the streets. And the organisation is corrupt too but that's another problem.

This was a breakdown of discipline and control over one of the police thugs. One suspects the way the Met police demonstrations is a major contributory factor so the problem is institutional, we only have to see the way the peaceful majority of students were kettled on that bridge recently to prove that. The cops on the street are given orders to behave out of control and so it's no surprise when they do.

But at the end of the day this guy acted as an individual and has a case to answer. I will let the jury decide on his guilt, they see all the evidence and we don't. It is a disgrace it took so long and that several bodies acted to make sure this trial never happened.
Well you have to have thugs in the police to deal with the thugs in the criminal fraternity. However they need to be kept in cages back at the station and only let out on short leashes at appropriate times and they need to be controlled by a sergeant who knows his stuff.

No shortage of thugs in the Met. Come across plenty socially, professionally and on the streets. And the organisation is corrupt too but that's another problem.

This was a breakdown of discipline and control over one of the police thugs. One suspects the way the Met police demonstrations is a major contributory factor so the problem is institutional, we only have to see the way the peaceful majority of students were kettled on that bridge recently to prove that. The cops on the street are given orders to behave out of control and so it's no surprise when they do.

But at the end of the day this guy acted as an individual and has a case to answer. I will let the jury decide on his guilt, they see the evidence and we don't.

The police have the worst sh1t in the world to deal with... they can't all be softies ffs !!!
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