The Real Anthony Fauci

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All anti-vax posters on here seem to be from Lancashire...coincidence?:unsure:
Us Northerners have long been known for our common sense, no-nonsense attitude to things. We cannot easily be conned.
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The other side has had years to come up with something (ANYTHING!) plausible, but repeatedly refuse to do so. Why is that?

Talking of plausible, where did you get your "There have only been 9 vaccine deaths" information from?
Talking of plausible, where did you get your "There have only been 9 vaccine deaths" information from?
Pretty accurate guess. I bet I'm about 2000 closer than you'll ever be with your wild guesses, boyo. (y)

Safer than Calpol boyo. In fact, it's probably one of the safest medicines to inject into your body today.
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Let's see some...
Well it's 400 pages! I asked if anyone had read the book. I wasn't quite expecting people to start shouting ANTI VAXER ANTI VAXER and then sticking their fingers in their ears and start singing LaLa La LaLa I can't here you! If you are not interested in this new information, and it will be new to most people as it has been blocked.

Lets start with the drug Ivermectin being slated as only being fit for horses
Ivermectin has been used in humans since the eighties and is so safe and effective that the World Heath Association includes it on its inventory of essential medicines.
The inventers won the Nobel prize for it. I didn't know anything about it , but apparently it has remarkable anti parasitic qualities and it inhibits viral replication used against river blindness, hookworm, Scabies, Lymphatic Filariasis and lots of other things. Its been out of licence now for about 20 yrs so anyone can make it and it now costs less than dollar a box, a bit like Anadin now, So a big favourite with the poorer nations with poorer water quality. A lot of doctors in Africa, Asia and India soon realised it had the ability to stop covid developing. These poor countries have of the lowest death counts. When American Doctors started using it and reporting its successes ( Which threatened the vaccine Emergency use pass ) they where told the FDA (Federal drug administration) didn't have the relevant safety data regarding its efficacy against Covid 19 and to stop using it! Doctors where threatened to be struck off if they prescribed Ivemectin. A safe, tried and tested drug for 40yrs.
Americans where dying and the front line Doctors where being told by the Pharmaceutical cartel what they can prescribe! It then gets worse as Fauci takes all the stock of Ivermectin from all the manufacturers under the guise of some trial that never happens, so virtually no stock left for America's dying citizens in the midst's of a deadly pandemic. I know you can't believe it right, well that's only the beginning
I recommend reading it yourself if you are wondering how we ended up here.
As a treatment for parasites.

But not an antiviral, and not an effective treatment against Covid.
says you but as has been quoted many countries in the world used it very effectively in the treatment and prevention of covid india used it on hundreds of millions of people but it costs pennies as opposed to pounds i wonder why it was supressed
But it doesn't work on Covid.
There's no pikturez & some very big words are used, but . . . . .

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