What did you have at your childhood home that you dont have now in your current home?

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Lead water pipes
Single glazing
Unlocked front/back doors when out of the house

Apple, plum, pear and nut trees.

Parents garden was 1 acre small.
Parents garden was 1 acre small.
We had an extension to our garden withbredcurrants, bksckcyrrants, gooseberries, raspberry canes and 100+ strawberry plants. My summer pocket money job was to water.them, but as my mum was an accomplished jam maker, and I didn't have shop bought jam until we moved (when I was 10), I'll add home made jams and home grown fruits when in season

Apple, plum, pear and nut trees.
Oddly there was a hazel tree just round the corner from a big job in the middle of Manchester that I was on for two autumns. It produced copious quantities of nuts both years, which I took into work, but nobody wanted them because they weren't shop bought!
We had an extension to our garden withbredcurrants, bksckcyrrants, gooseberries, raspberry canes and 100+ strawberry plants. My summer pocket money job was to water.them, but as my mum was an accomplished jam maker, and I didn't have shop bought jam until we moved (when I was 10), I'll add home made jams and home grown fruits when in season

The very back of my garden borders a disused rail property and to the right an extensive nature reserve. Both thick with bramble bushes with lots of fruit to be had by just reaching and picking as much as you want. Unfortunately, I have never liked it.
A film of this dirty water then remains on your body as you stand up to get dry
You think it survives being towelled? What kinda dirt do you get into during the weekends? :eek:

Actually, no need to answer that :)
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