What did you have at your childhood home that you dont have now in your current home?

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Hard Izal toilet paper, Doby washing up liquid, which might have been the Co-Op brand because that’s where my granny shopped. Also the Co-Op number 71294, how can I still remember that?
DE926CE9-9434-4A18-93D1-BCE983F54437.jpeg A phone like this with the wee drawer at the bottom for your numbers. There was a tin hanging above the phone and woe betide anyone who tried to get away without paying.
Also the Co-Op number 71294, how can I still remember that?

My mother's Co-Op number, was the first number I ever learned, for running 'errands' :)

They would weigh your order out, at a long wooden counter. Sugar was weighed into dark blue thick paper, almost a card, bags.
A radiogram like this. A combined record player and radio in a fancy cabinet.

View attachment 289537

EDIT: changed to better photo
We would call that a stereogram when I was a kid. That was a lot posher than ours which only had one speaker. It did have a drinks cabinet though as well as the old Garrard turntable and radio.
A black and white tv, an old valve model made by a defunct British manufacturer called Sobell. When it was switched off (some of the old timers out there will know what I am on about) the screen went dark except for the white spot in the middle of the screen. When I was little I would try and look through the white spot to see if there were people inside. The innocence of childhood. My grandson is the same age and he plays Xbox games where people are killing each other.
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when my mum rented a colour tv from Coop Electrical. It was a Bush. No remote control back then but oh joy watching football and snooker in colour!
A black and white tv, an old valve model made by a defunct British manufacturer called Sobell. When it was switched off (some of the old timers out there will know what I am on about) the screen went dark except for the white spot in the middle of the screen.

Also when you turned them on, they took a while to warm up. Had to make sure it was on a bit earlier otherwise you risked missing the beginning of Mary, Mungo And Midge.
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