Your commute.

I cycle to work now, if it's not pyssing down.
Nice gentle cycle along the canal tow path about three miles, very calming.
then drop down on the to main road and some side roads for about a mile.
Then if it rains, in the car, frustrating as hell! :idea: Must get some waterproofs :!:
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Commute takes roughly hour and half and includes either 2 buses or 3 trains

Bus journey: leave home about 6.35 ten min walk to x26 bus stop it turns up just before 7 (due at 6.50) - get off it in Kingston between 7.50 and 8. Get either 111/216/411 to Hampton Court Palace, takes about 15 minutes, then a 5 min walk.

Train: leave home 6.45, 7:07 train to Sutton, 7:24 train to Wimbledon, 7.52 train to Hamtpon Court and 10 min walk to work in Hampton Court Palace

Train costs £5 a week more than bus, longest time yet has been 5 hours during the snow
If the tides out I walk across the beach to my studio, which is 300yards away from my home,when the tides in I walk across the headland, and the same back at the end of the day, and I go home for lunch everyday.
I get up at around 6:45am, leave the house at around 7.40am for a 13mile, 19min commute arriving at work for 8am. Leave the office at 5pm, to travel the 13miles home, which oddly takes nearly 25mins in the evening? Can't complain really.
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Get up at 6.45am

Leave home at 7.30am

Pick up collegue at 7.40am

Arrive at work around 8.15am

We split the commute on an alternative day basis, we live in the same town so it would be stupid not to.
alarm goes off at 6:15 :( listen to radio for 15 mins....get up, breakfast, update facebook status and check daily horoscope!..get teenager up... me go shower and dress. feed cat and guinea pigs..
leave house at 8:00 drive previously mentioned teen to school 7 miles away!....then drive to work another 8 miles... arrive at work for 9:00!!

drive takes less time when holiday makers and road works and farm machinery are absent!
update facebook status


I dont understand the compulsion of people to bare there life to half a planet full of strangers.

Its what used to be called 'washing your dirty linen in public'.

Apart from that, the more you publish about yourself online, the more you leave yourself wide open to various crimes, from burglary to ID theft. I live off the grid as much as i can.
:( im not sure ill ever get over this......iv never been called a saddo b4!!!!!! gutted!... :(
I don't have a commute at the moment, so instead I walk round the block and then back home on the computer.
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