Many people missed my presence from last week?



I was talking, and typing, and due to the muggy heat, and the abuse that I received, I had a dicky fit. I'm unsure what happened exactly, but at some stage, due to the posts slagging me off as per, and stress, I blacked out, to find myself sat on the ground, outside, unable to breathe..I don't have totally unexpected...

I spent the night in A&E, after an Ambulance was called..because I could not breathe. And as I have had a collapsed lung previously, the situation was taken seriously..

But some people seem to abuse people for fun. Well done.
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with due respect, you need to chill son
dont let anything said on here get to you
It surely aint that important
you do dish out the insults as good as anyone after all

and please take this as the advice it's supposed to be and not an insult etc

I was talking, and typing, and due to the muggy heat, and the abuse that I received, I had a dicky fit. I'm unsure what happened exactly, but at some stage, due to the posts slagging me off as per, and stress, I blacked out, to find myself sat on the ground, outside, unable to breathe..I don't have totally unexpected...

I spent the night in A&E, after an Ambulance was called..because I could not breathe. And as I have had a collapsed lung previously, the situation was taken seriously..

But some people seem to abuse people for fun. Well done.

You dish plenty out and constantly pick on people due to their spelling. If you don't like members here, why don't you go away?
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As ever, you've asked the wrong question. You've assumed that you were missed.
Your first question should have been:
Did anyone notice my absence last week?
He didn't ask a question, it was a statement with a question mark. :rolleyes:
He's just a silly drama queen. He only collapsed because he had a job interview lined up for the morning. :rolleyes:
I was talking, and typing, and due to the muggy heat, and the abuse that I received, I had a dicky fit. I'm unsure what happened exactly, but at some stage, due to the posts slagging me off as per, and stress, I blacked out, to find myself sat on the ground, outside, unable to breathe..I don't have totally unexpected...

I spent the night in A&E, after an Ambulance was called..because I could not breathe. And as I have had a collapsed lung previously, the situation was taken seriously..

But some people seem to abuse people for fun. Well done.

If your posts here engender stress, perhaps you should bugger off and troll somewhere else, for the sake of your health?
FFS, Mickey, get a grip man, it's only an internet forum, i have had more sheite than most on here.
If it is causing you panic attacks, stay away, that's if your serious,and not winding people.
If I recall correctly, I did mention something about them taking you away The signs were there before you disappeared MM, and if I may say, based on your post above, the signs are still there.

Are you sure you haven't just been away on holiday?

Just an observation but many of your posts revolve around words such as die, died, dead etc. People just need to search those words, with you as the author mate. It is quite depressing really :(
If you blacked out and went to A&E over reading some text on a computer monitor then I wouldn't get a job because you'll actually die.
Is this an eloborate ruse to claim invalidity benefit, carers allowance, a mobility car, blue badge etc etc for you and your scrounging, dolebludging, workshy freeloading mrs? Or has the special brew finally taken its toll?

Answers on a postcards please.
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