Who can see snow out of their window?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I can't in Stockport, but go up the A6 towards Buxton you'll find quite a bit.

Have you got snow and where do you live?
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We still have snow in essex.

We have a slight amount here in Derby. According to the weather monitor on me computer, it's -5°C at the moment. ;) ;)
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Needs adjusting the Marty. ;) ;) ;) Although my readings come from a weather station down by the Trent and Mersey canal. (about a mile away) ;) ;)
Hmmmm, mine's an expensive piece of kit i once thought a bargain (from QVC or Lidl or Grattan lol, i can't remember) which is behind my shed, 10 yds away !!! (perhaps out of the wind though!!)
"who can see snow out of their window"? is that eskimos? :eek:

do i win a prize? :p
Still a balmy 6 degrees in Cornwall, sunshine and no snow....it like living in the tropics :)
There is still some snow on the ground, but it is slowly melting away. Pavements and roads are pretty much clear.
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