What Is The Most Beautiful Thing In The World ?

There are some things which are considered beautiful by every human being on the planet.* One of those things is surely a more superlative universal beauty than your family! :p

*This leads to an the interesting paradox: a quality that everyone understands but no one can define!

I have asked this question many times in many different countries, many different religions and very many different cultures.

A very interesting paradox indeed.
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i see him in spirit, not yet phisicaly, i dont need to see him phisically,to know he is real.

you can see part of his beauty in his creation, the flowers,butterflys, tigers, elephants,waterfalls,so it is relevent,even tho sin brought a curse on this earth.

This God of yours that created all of your beautiful things . . . also created EVERYTHING.

So, this God of yours also created all of the bad things !

evil is not created. it is a consequence of sin.
that's just a story made up by Catholic dogmatists.
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the world is looking for an answer, well tell you what the problem is, and God has given us his word, and you reject it, and wonder why your still in a mess.
No it isn't. You've already chosen one of the many available gods, so you think you've found your answer. Most of us aren't even looking. Sorry to hear you consider yourself to be in a mess. Try one of the other gods. Maybe a more forgiving one. Does your current god think that children and babies are sinners? Why did he give them an insect that lays eggs to burrow into their eyes and blind them?
Not God, but science has killed more people, God has never killed a single soul, all killings or deaths resulted from gunshots, tanks, bombs, poisonous gas in gas chambers, throwing stones, knives, man killed a fellow man because of his own delusion, his own hatred for another, God never advocated anyone to kill, even in so called holy books where it says kill infidels, or nonbelievers, it is not God who advocated those words, man wrote those words, God cannot write and read, or speak, God only creates, and it is his creation that created such false religions who clash with others beliefs.
No it isn't. You've already chosen one of the many available gods, so you think you've found your answer. Most of us aren't even looking. Sorry to hear you consider yourself to be in a mess. Try one of the other gods. Maybe a more forgiving one. Does your current god think that children and babies are sinners? Why did he give them an insect that lays eggs to burrow into their eyes and blind them?

i was asked a question, i answered, then you butted in.
So you say your god never cured a disease, or saved someone from drowning, or sewed back a severed limb, or built a sewage system or a school or hospital.

But you say your god created man with the desire to compete and to kill.


As the books you mention were all written by men, you will forgive me if I don't treat them as authoritative.
No it isn't. You've already chosen one of the many available gods, so you think you've found your answer. Most of us aren't even looking. Sorry to hear you consider yourself to be in a mess. Try one of the other gods. Maybe a more forgiving one. Does your current god think that children and babies are sinners? Why did he give them an insect that lays eggs to burrow into their eyes and blind them?
John where the **** did you see a one child who may have accidentally come into contact with an insect who laid eggs in his eyes and you blame God instead of blaming his lazy filthy parents, one child out of 7,500,000,000 lives! if you make a house in a valley, it won't be God's fault if torrential rain swept entire villages build in that valley, God created everything full stop, the rest of his creation has to follow laws of nature, if you jump form a tall building and hurt yourself you can't blame God for your own stupidity.
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