I'll just leave this here for himmy and the others.

You're only focusing on the negative to be fair. I lived in London, a few different places, some posh, some not. But my fav was I lived in Holloway. It was a busy, bustling place, very multicultural and I really liked the vibe. There were some real characters there too, rented in a huge block of flats and my neighbours from all walks of life & around the world and my neighbours were cracking people. I liked where we lived because it was a nice mix of community spirit without being too nosy and without the small town mentality that sometimes occurs in small towns..!

Yes, was negative, but it's what many ordinnary people there have to suffer on a daily basis. I stopped visiting London on a regular basis in late 80s when it started to get too ethnic. If I go to Warsaw for example, I want to mix with Poles. If everywhere is multi-culti, then everywhere the people are the same - just an international mongrel mix. Mostly made up of those from the more 'problematic' backgrounds.
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Yes, sounds great. Ghettos, gang culture, rampant mugging, stabbings, no-go areas, shootings, drugs. Bloke even got killed the other day in East End with a machete for trying to stop a gang stealing his moped.

Think of all the 'diversity' I'm missing out on in my Caucasian enclave. Must get me some! Innit! :rolleyes:

I operate across 80%of Greater London and can't think of any no go areas. To claim there is shows total ignorance. There's violent crime in every major city.
Yes, was negative, but it's what many ordinnary people there have to suffer on a daily basis. I stopped visiting London on a regular basis in late 80s when it started to get too ethnic. If I go to Warsaw for example, I want to mix with Poles. If everywhere is multi-culti, then everywhere the people are the same - just an international mongrel mix. Mostly made up of those from the more 'problematic' backgrounds.
Do you visit cities purely on the basis of seeing the people?
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This question Hymen.
It's been the subject and topic of a multi-page thread, (now deleted).
Do you feel you want to go through the whole sordid discussion again, (perhaps without the abuse though)?
Or do you want me to be banned for re-introducing a discussion which has already been deleted. Although why it was deleted, I can only surmise one reason.
No explanation was provided.
Have you forgotten that discussion?
Or do you want to pretend it never existed?
No, I remember. I don't remember you coming up with anything remotely credible. Perhaps you can have another go.
You didn't accept it then, I said you wouldn't. I also suggested you seek your own counsel.
Have you done that yet?
Or are you still relying on your own, proven, poor judgement?
Or are you still relying on your own, proven, poor judgement?
You're having a laugh! You looked for something not even there, guessing the whole way then asked for proof to prove your guesses wrong.
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(removed) .
There's a few Gas Safe plumbers who think the way to discuss something is to be abusive to those who hold an opposing view, instead of reasoned discussion.
There are some that speak out against racism, and they become the target of extreme and excessive abuse.
There is a vast amount of proof in these threads.
I can understand why they behave so abusively, they have little or no ability to put forward reasoned arguments.
Hoy Robinson get back in the CC you're out of your depth in here ..........look how its affected transam ........and me ! :eek:
I can understand why they behave so abusively, they have little or no ability to put forward reasoned arguments.

Perhaps they have jobs and lives and little time for your long winded time wasting... Many on here prefer the direct approach, say it and get on with our lives while you languish on the dole, sponging from the state
Perhaps they have jobs and lives and little time for your long winded time wasting... Many on here prefer the direct approach, say it and get on with our lives while you languish on the dole, sponging from the state
What is it with Gas Safe registered people on here?
One Gas Safe registered person's comment is removed for being abusive, only to be immediately replaced by another Gas Safe registered person's abusive comment. Supported by at least one other Gas Safe registered person.
Do they not realise that they are bringing their profession and the Gas Safe scheme into disrepute?
Rather than actively supporting these abusive people and their comments, Dan, how about, as the owner and controller of the CCR, having a quiet word in their ear?

Or perhaps they are exploring the boundaries of what DIYnot considers abusive, so that they can confidently push those boundaries of abuse.

The stupidity of Foxtrot's comment is that he could simply have left it as:
"Perhaps they have jobs and lives and little time for your long winded time wasting... Many on here prefer the direct approach, say it and get on with our lives."
No, he couldn't do that. He couldn't help himself, he had to add an abusive bit on the end!
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