Final proof, The labour party are anti semitic

Barnier has set out the items that need addressing. I assume I do not need to remind you of the three important issues.
So what do the UK government do, keep harping on about a transition deal, instead of addressing those issues.

Barnier has said many times, and so has EU council, its president, and EU parliament, "transition deals are off the table until......"

As Barnier has said it was the UK's decision to leave. UK must address the issues caused by them leaving, not leave it to the EU to sort out the problems.

Why does Barnier keep saying: you need to agree to pay what your financial obligations. He is the EU why cant he tell us what we owe?

The reason he cant is because there appears to no legal basis built into the treaty for setting the amount.

The UK is the one of the largest net contributors to the EU budget, which will mean a diminished EU after the UK has left. We cant be replaced as there are no other European countries with that kind of GDP.
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No legal basis, but possibly a moral one, but not as large as they areasking for But I think this is more about causing problems for us than anything else.
Barnier: You're leaving so we want you to pay for all the grand ideas we've got
Davis: So ho much do you want us to pay.
Barnier: We're not going to make things easy by telling you.
Davis: So how do we go forward if you won't tell us what you want.
Barnier: That's not our problem; you've caused this mess, not us, so pay us what you owe.
May: Okay, we'll give you £20bn, to try and break the impasse.
Barnier: Don't be ridiculous, that's definitley not enough.
Davis: So how much do you want.
Barnier: We're not going to discuss anything further until you agree to pay what you owe us for your commitments.
Davis: So how much are they.
Junkers: We're not going to discuss anything, as you haven't made substantial progress yet.

Why does Barnier keep saying: you need to agree to pay what your financial obligations. He is the EU why cant he tell us what we owe?

The reason he cant is because there appears to no legal basis built into the treaty for setting the amount.

The UK is the one of the largest net contributors to the EU budget, which will mean a diminished EU after the UK has left. We cant be replaced as there are no other European countries with that kind of GDP.

No legal basis, but possibly a moral one, but not as large as they areasking for But I think this is more about causing problems for us than anything else.
I will leave you two to continue your fantasising.
Your comments are repeats of earlier statements, so there is no point in revisiting old discussions.
If you really want to remind yourself of responses to your comments, the search facility works well.
I will leave you two to continue your fantasising.
Your comments are repeats of earlier statements, so there is no point in revisiting old discussions.
If you really want to remind yourself of responses to your comments, the search facility works well.

of course its completely off the topic of this thread which is:

why wont labour deal with institutional racism in its party?
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I guess the EU want the UK to voluntarily keep upping their settlement offer until it hits the right amount.
He is the EU why cant he tell us what we owe?

the EU team gave the UK negotiators a written proposal suggesting how the figure should be calculated. (12th of June, ) The last I heard the UK team had neither accepted the method of calculation nor suggested a modified or alternative method of calculation. That's what the 27 want the UK to do. They aren't asking for a figure to be plucked out of the air.

Some in Brussels find it annoying that the UK doesn't seem to want to progress this item and think it is deliberate stalling by the UK government.

But I'm willing to believe it is because the UK government can't agree what it wants to do because they are all arguing so much and there is no-one in control.

David Davis says everything is fine.

Do mwatson and notch claim it is because the tory cabinet is anti-Semitic? Or are they just making a silly smear.
the EU team gave the UK negotiators a written proposal suggesting how the figure should be calculated. (12th of June, ) The last I heard the UK team had neither accepted the method of calculation nor suggested a modified or alternative method of calculation. That's what the 27 want the UK to do. They aren't asking for a figure to be plucked out of the air.

Some in Brussels find it annoying that the UK doesn't seem to want to progress this item and think it is deliberate stalling by the UK government.

But I'm willing to believe it is because the UK government can't agree what it wants to do because they are all arguing so much and there is no-one in control.

David Davis says everything is fine.

Do mwatson and notch claim it is because the tory cabinet is anti-Semitic? Or are they just making a silly smear.

That is a methodology and summary. it does not show how the figure should be calculated and nor is it a document showing legal obligations.

If the EU had a legal claim for an amount they would have said by now
Let's call the whole thing off.

As for anti-semitic, a woman on Radio 5 yesterday said "I can say 'Jew' because I am one".

Faced with this kind of nonsense, no wonder people are being accused of all sorts of things.
please show me the UK's counter-proposals for any parts that they think are wrong.

please show me the document that states the legal position and amount for each item....

Youve just linked to a list. You cant counter proposal a list
the EU team gave the UK negotiators a written proposal suggesting how the figure should be calculated.

No they didn't John, as stated by the following paragraph.
This single financial settlement should be based on the principle that the United Kingdom must honour its share of the financing of all the obligations undertaken while it was a member of the Union. The United Kingdom obligations should be fixed as a percentage of the EU obligations calculated at the date of withdrawal in accordance with a methodology to be agreed in the first phase of the negotiations.

Notch is right I'm afraid, that document is a suggestion of the programs and the ensuing liabilities that should be considered, but says nothing (yet) as to the actual amounts. There is no legal obligation to pay anything, and as we've contributed to the assests of the EU infrastrcture, I suspect we actually owe nothing. The caveat is that if we don't hand over something, then they really will try and screw us over.
The caveat is that if we don't hand over something, then they really will try and screw us over.
How are they going to do that? According to the Brexit hardcore on here, we don't need Europe - they need us. I think it's wonderful that we can draw this thing out, let the two years pass and pay nowt. Quitters on here tell me that is the way forward.
How are they going to do that? According to the Brexit hardcore on here, we don't need Europe - they need us. I think it's wonderful that we can draw this thing out, let the two years pass and pay nowt. Quitters on here tell me that is the way forward.

Of course Europe dont need us, they just want our £8.6 billion :)

The irony of the LW ranters on here banging on about how the UK billionaires manage to avoid paying tax but think its fine for Juncker to waste money on private jets and the EU travelling circus to squander £300 million pa travelling to Strasbourg for plenery sessions just to avoid putting the Frenches noses out of joint.

Oh and dont forget they want a new £300m headquarters.
The EU have got Spain to worry about now :LOL:
If Catalonia goes independent they will want to join EU. Therefore, the 28 will still be 28 after Brexit.
It will make little difference to the EU.
Apart from that EU has said it is an internal affair for Spain to sort out.
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