Labour candidate

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Mandy Richards was selected as the parties prospective MP candidate to contest the seat in Worcestor

Despite leaving messages on her twitter account, suggesting that the Manchester arena bombing may not have taken place.

"why were there no images of physical damage " from the bombing & also saying that there was a "convienent shortage of evidence" in the jo Cox murder ???

A spokes person for labours NEC said that they would not be endorsing Ms Richards as a candidate.
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which bit of your bible do you have in mind?
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It's factually correct for the Bible's teaching
So do you believe in the fairy tale?

If you do, then of course if you are able to prove it isn't a fairy tale please feel free to do so.

A bit of an ask I admit, given that no-one has been able to do so for a couple of thousand years!
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So do you believe in the fairy tale?

If you do, then of course if you are able to prove it isn't a fairy tale please feel free to do so.

A bit of an ask I admit, given that no-one has been able to do so for a couple of thousand years!
The person that made the statement does and that is what counts. And the UK, it's laws and culture are generally founded on the fairy tale too.

It's not a fairy tale to quote the sovereign law of other countries.

So the statement he made is correct.
What's wrong with that?
It is a shame (and I mean that in the explicit sense of the word ) that the racist, homophobic poster called woody could not follow the conservative councillor's example and apologise for his previous shameful attitude and comments.
Clarke told the newspaper: ‘I would like to express deep regret for the offensive comments I made 13 years ago. ‘I offer my unreserved apologies for any hurt caused by that blog post and I would like to stress that I have moved on and am no longer the angry and bitter person that I was in 2005.’
It's factually correct for the Bible's teaching, and actually correct for several countries around the world.
The conservative councillor was a hoping to be a representative of the people in England, not a representative for those other countries.
Leviticus ch 18 and 20 if you're really interested. I suspect (like Woody!) you are not.

"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself"

Well any brexshiteer with an 'imaginary friend' is essentially buggered then - according to the story book!
I am glad the Labour party has acted quickly in this case.

But as long as politics trumps economics neither party appeals to me 100%
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