Children should pay for their own education - Get them self reliant early

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Funding crisis means some UK headteachers spend more than 50% of their time seeking charity for essential subjects

That says it all. It's a disgusting policy of cuts for no other reason than ideology. It's failed in America and it's failed here.

“Schools have moved into survival mode,” says Body. “In 2016 there were more schools using fundraising as a choice; now, they see it as a necessity.” The headteachers she interviewed were furious about their plight. “Our backs are against the wall,” said one. Another said: “I am very angry that this is the focus of schools, to keep heads above water and not on providing excellent education.”
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Less educated people are more likely to vote tory.

Perhaps it's a deliberate ploy.

Rather like the corrupt ex-Dame Shirley Porter's illegal scheme to cleanse her borough of poor tenants, in order to improver the tory vote.

Stupid graph. Doesn't take account of age,demographic, distribution or specific policy. I didn't need my degree to spot that.

Old people are less likely to have a degree as participation was much lower when they were young.
Young people are saddled with University debt and will be drawn to policies that help them.

The graph suggests that conservative voters are less well educated than labour. Break it down by age and lets see.
Less educated people are more likely to vote tory.

More students voted labour because Jeremy Corbyn promised them free tuition fees and to wipe out their debt.

Students have always tended to vote labour, it suits the anti establishment period of their life.
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Less educated people are more likely to vote tory.
Less educated means lower incomes right? I was always under the impression that those on low incomes tended to vote labour, if they voted at all. There you go, I live and learn.
Stupid graph. Doesn't take account of age,demographic, distribution or specific policy. I didn't need my degree to spot that..... Break it down by age and lets see.

What a shame your degree didn't give you enough common sense to follow the link and look at the other graphs on the same page.
Old people are less likely to have a degree as participation was much lower when they were young.
Which makes them less well educated...
Young people are saddled with University debt and will be drawn to policies that help them.
A debt imposed on them by old people!

In most of the rest of Europe University fees are zero or very small.

Whereas the UK has the highest university fees in the world...

So a European country which has less well educated old people appears to not give a monkeys about the young!

We could of course show a graphic of another young/old divide 'issue', but then that would give us the same result ;)
What a shame your degree didn't give you enough common sense to follow the link and look at the other graphs on the same page.

The suggestion by inference is that Conservative Voters aren't well educated and Labour Voters are..

Alongside age, education has become one of the key electoral demographic dividing lines. We saw it was a huge factor in the EU referendum campaign and, after the last general election, we made sure we accounted for educational qualifications in our methodology. In last week’s vote, while the Conservatives’ support decreases the more educated a voter is, the opposite was true for Labour and the Lib Dems.

Amongst those with low educational qualifications (defined as GCSE or equivalent or below) the Conservatives beat Labour by 22%. However amongst those with high level educational qualifications (defined as degree-level or above) Labour led by 17 percentage points. Part of this relationship is down to age – the expansion of education means that, on average, the young have more qualifications than the old, although the Conservatives still have a “graduate problem” even after accounting for this.

We are to believe that this means vote conservative if you are thick and vote labour if you are smart. Is B***ox. You cannot compare the education level of a person in their 50s with that of a person in their 30s.

Its a stupid graph and you are smart enough to do better, than imply there is a policy to dumb down the electorate in order to increase conservative voters.
Less educated people are more likely to vote tory.

Perhaps it's a deliberate ploy.

Rather like the corrupt ex-Dame Shirley Porter's illegal scheme to cleanse her borough of poor tenants, in order to improver the tory vote.

Are you saying poorer tenants are better educated?.
You cannot compare the education level of a person in their 50s with that of a person in their 30s.

You can most certainly say which of them has a degree and which of them has just a GCSE

I'm sure you are clever enough to know that.

Are you clever enough to think of an explanation why that isn't "comparing education levels?"
The avg pear weighs more than the avg apple - what does this tell us?
It tells us that you can tell which person has a degree and which has just a GCSE

And that you can't think of an explanation why that isn't "comparing education levels?"
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