Vile Trump

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11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
There are comments here about "illogical hatred" of Trump.

After what he said about McCain (some years ago), I feel my hatred of Trump is most logical.

“He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
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Trump avoided serving, by being a draft-dodger.

He thinks he's entitled to sneer at McCain.

Nothing more needs to be said.
Hard to understand this chap - he so easily could have taken the high ground at zero cost, no matter how much he despised him.
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Trump dodged the draft 5 times whilst McCain on account of his father being a 4 star admiral was offered early release from the POW camp but refused and stayed another 4 years until all of his fellow prisoners were released.
Nobody said he's perfect. :ROFLMAO:

But lots have pointed out things about him. And they ALWAYS get defended by a certain few.

Any politician is open to attack, but blind defence is often the difference between the type of person who supports them.
Trump dodged the draft 5 times whilst McCain on account of his father being a 4 star admiral was offered early release from the POW camp but refused and stayed another 4 years until all of his fellow prisoners were released.

Such early release was prohibited by the POWs' interpretation of the military Code of Conduct which states in Article III: "I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy". To prevent the enemy from using prisoners for propaganda, officers were to agree to be released in the order in which they were captured.

Wouldn't or couldn't?
So - it's possible for an army to capture someone and detain them against their will for years (in whatever conditions) yet not possible to throw them out if they should so wish.
So - it's possible for an army to capture someone and detain them against their will for years (in whatever conditions) yet not possible to throw them out if they should so wish.

I didn't write the history of it. You tell me.
Nobody said he's perfect. :ROFLMAO:

AFAIK nobody has criticised Trump on the grounds that he is almost, but not quite, perfect.

They have however criticised him because he is a vile, abusive, dishonest man.
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