Another Smartphone bargain

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Yes, I know 5G phones are among us, but if you don't mind "old" 4G tech, this is a stonking phone for the money.
Amazon are selling it for well in excess of £200 sovs.

Edited to correct typo.
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I've been a Moto fan for a few years now, had the Moto G, then Moto G5 (still using) and hoping to get the Moto G7 this year (my son is getting one, so I can have a go before buying!).
£130 for a very good phone.

Not sure we're ready for 5G yet, 4G is fast enough to stream 4k films to a TV, so what do we need 5G for at the moment?
Yes, I know 5G phones are among us, but if you don't mind "old" 4G tech, this is a stoning phone for the money.
Amazon are selling it for well in excess of £200 sovs.
Jeepers this is a great find thanks for posting.

Just as a comparison anyone else interested how it fares against the S9 Apart from the obvious lesser CPU and lower res display, thats a very good buy indeed.
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I've been a Moto fan for a few years now, had the Moto G, then Moto G5 (still using) and hoping to get the Moto G7 this year (my son is getting one, so I can have a go before buying!).
£130 for a very good phone.

Not sure we're ready for 5G yet, 4G is fast enough to stream 4k films to a TV, so what do we need 5G for at the moment?
May I suggest the G7 power

Much better spec than the play, and really good battery life.
Only £30 more.
Maybe I'm getting old but...……
It's a PHONE! It will not make you better if you are suddenly taken ill!
It won't restart your heart if it stops!
It won't take your place in work if you don't feel like going!
You won't die if you don't have the latest issue!

Why do people fall for all the blarney about how you MUST have this phone, that car, these holidays, look sexy dressed in these clothes, suffer feet problems if you don't wear these shoes!
Why are people allowing their lives to be dominated/dictated by the latest technology/transport/health fad/dress codes?
All these things are hyped up by marketing executives to make you spend your money so they can line their pockets.

I have an Experia Z1 or something. Had it for years. It makes calls, sends a text message and can take a fairly decent photo IF I needed to use it.
For access to the web I use a laptop. For transport I drive a car which is suitable for what I need it for. For money I work and save a fortune by not rushing to buy the latest 'thing' that you must have.
Yeah, it’s like people owning and running a hot tub when a bath would do. Now, who on here would do that? Wait a minute.........:rolleyes:
Same with smartphones. If you want it and can afford it, why not? There’s very little you actually NEED but we mostly buy what we WANT.
Might do. My son has £130 from his birthday, so Play seems ideal. If the Power is much better, might do that .

reading ..

Play is smaller, same size as G6. Not sure I want a phone any much larger than my G6.... but that bigger battery might be a winner...
I was a bit concerned about the screen size of the G7 power, but when you compare the actual size it's not that much bigger than the G7 play

The 'try out' here was a tad different. The other half got one on the proviso that if it wasn't up to scratch I'd have to have it!
(we both ended up with a G7 power btw)
Yes, I know 5G phones are among us, but if you don't mind "old" 4G tech, this is a stonking phone for the money.
Amazon are selling it for well in excess of £200 sovs.

Edited to correct typo.

Just saw a report about pre-instralled malware on cheap Android phones (saw in Google News, I'm not usually an Express reader!) .... and Google found these articles:

The Agros one linked is a Xiaomi Redmi
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