200 Schools considering cutting hours to save money

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

More than 200 schools in England are cutting short the school week, or are actively consulting on it, because they cannot afford to educate their pupils for a full five days, according to campaigners.

This is excellent news, what't the point of educating these kids when they won't have any jobs to go into as these pesky foreigners have taken them.

I can't wait for the return of Victorian Workhouses - it's the best way to undercut these foreigners by creating our own uber cheap workforce and Brexit will mean they can't just up and leave.

We don't need an educated workforce - what good have elites done for us anyway?
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It seems unreal that state schools cant afford to stay open for a full week.

Last night on question time a Tory MP was spouting the same carp: 'cutting corporation tax will increase the size of the economy and increase tax revenue'.

Yet here we are with schools runjingbout of money.

Personally I believe the biggest long term method for improving the UK economy is to raise productivity. How do you that: raise education standards.

Why is this not a huge scandal? Back in say the 80s or 90s this wouldve been a huge scandal.

Why are the opposition not all over this? The Tories should get ripped to shreds over this stuff.

This country needs a leader.......and fast
They are in the same place as all the other politicians. wasting time, energy and billions of pounds on Brexit.
I see Jess Philips is dropping her son off at 10 Downing street this afternoon -as her school will be closing on Friday afternoons.
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Raising education levels won't improve productivity by itself. Having more higher paid higher value jobs coupled with a skilled workforce would.
Raising education levels won't improve productivity by itself. Having more higher paid higher value jobs coupled with a skilled workforce would.
But the tory blueprint has always been the opposite...

Keep the money in the hands of the few, and drop a few crumbs to the uneducated masses!
Education is not the same thing as workforce skills.

A steelworker or car assembly worker, or a video recorder repairman, or a telephone switchboard operator, has skills.
Raising education levels won't improve productivity by itself. Having more higher paid higher value jobs coupled with a skilled workforce would.

Raising education level, especially for technical colleges and vocational management courses would lead to companies having professional managers.

Professionally run companies are more productive, leading to higher profits and better pay.

The percentage of professionally trained people in senior management positions in this country is woeful.

Scrap HS2 and put the money into investing in people and technology.
Investing north of Watford would be a start. Please sir, can we have some new trains?
Education is not the same thing as workforce skills.

A steelworker or car assembly worker, or a video recorder repairman, or a telephone switchboard operator, has skills.
Not that many assembly workers left, and only further automation to look forward to...
What's a video?
Telephone operators outsourced abroad.

What work do you envisage being available in the future?
Work for which a good education will be an asset.

Apart from Sports Direct and Uber, who wants uneducated workers?
Undertaking is a stable job, always a good supply of punters, repeat business remains a challenge though.
They are in the same place as all the other politicians. Wasting time, energy and billions of pounds on Brexit.

Wasting time, energy and billions of pounds fighting the democratic vote which ALL sides have agreed must be acknowledged. That's the idiotic thing here, just STFU and move on and or quit playing stupid under the table games to just try and stall it all as much as possible and make out its the voters fault here. If Labour are really AGAINST brexit just say so FFS come up with a solution sell it to the nation. Instead of just voting against anything the Tories are doing. Losers.
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