Knife crime in London, another 4 dead.

Weak cop-out. Just like your arguments. Spout lies then deflect. You are a bitter pointless lying poster Motman, this forum would be better off without you.
Oh put your handbag away :D, you forgot to add 'saaaad little maaan' you're sounding like that vitriolic weirdo on here not seen him lately, the anti racist, intolerant of anyone yet anti intolerance twisted sister of yours.

Now anyway what's your contribution today apart from critiquing other peoples opinions how about giving your own? (y) (oh wait i haven't checked the building forum, ive just rebuilt my ensuite in fact i may post it all as pics on projects so you can critique that instead)
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Not unlike ellal, Sir Galahad, JohnD, EFLImpudence, noseall and all the other wet liberal apologists on here.

Here we go.

You forgot to add another "abusive mouthpiece", Ban all Sheds to that list Festive. Haven't seen him on here for a while, maybe karma's caught up with him.
You forgot to add another "abusive mouthpiece", Ban all Sheds to that list Festive. Haven't seen him on here for a while, maybe karma's caught up with him.
Has BAS been banned or did his head explode from all the rage.

Perhaps he has taken up yoga and as we speak is sitting in the Lotus position and burning incense sticks: "chill out dude" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

And his sidekick Himmie o_O
The labour party has a friends of Israel group.

The labour party also has a friends of Palestine & the Middle East group.

The conservative party only has a friends of Israel group.

Make your own conclusions!
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The Labour party is friends with any group that will give them votes. Most probably an Anti white middle aged male group in there somewhere :D
Exactly, look at Peterborough,, or Riggerborough as it's known nowadays!!
The labour party has a friends of Israel group.

The labour party also has a friends of Palestine & the Middle East group.

The conservative party only has a friends of Israel group.

Make your own conclusions!

If you have to go out of your way to "prove" you're a friend, that speaks volumes as well.
Typical politician. Rather than give a straight answer to a straight question, he'll shout, be rude, deflect, try to change the subject and do anything other than answer the question because he knows he'll be shown up for the slimy two-faced creep that he knows he is. Not unlike ellal, Sir Galahad, JohnD, EFLImpudence, noseall and all the other wet liberal apologists on here.

Here we go.

Exactly, look at Peterborough,, or Riggerborough as it's known nowadays!!

I thought the Police has found nothing.

5 investigation 4 have ended, all showing nothing just leaving one on the privacy of the vote.

I think only rigging is in your mind.
I thought the Police has found nothing.

5 investigation 4 have ended, all showing nothing just leaving one on the privacy of the vote.

I think only rigging is in your mind.

Blinkered fool Gally!!

The "Government controlled police puppets" were probably told "to find nothing".
No different to the MDF "police "escorts" in Oldham, who "looked the other way", while the "masked thugs" were throwing bricks and other objects towards women and children,, all captured on film, yet no- one arrested.

NEVER EVER BELIEVE anything the GCPP's say over issues like these!!
haha police found nothing therefore nothing to find :D oh that's so naive or just wanting to believe.
Didn't find anything on Jimmy Savile till after his death either.

Didn't find any weapons of mass destruction until a Labour lead country obliterated a few other countries, causing a chain reaction of famine and economical collapse across the region, which is why we have so many immigrants here today. Oh wait they didn't find any in the end!
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