Miracle additive (or not)

2 Oct 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi folks.
Adverts. for this product (FTC pellets) have been published in Classic Car Weekly, in either half or full page format, for months now & I'm wondering if anyone has actually given it a try. As a confirmed cynic it seems to me to be just another re-hash of claims I remember reading about literally decades ago & last year there was an allegation that the company was under investigation by the advertising standards authority, but haven't seen any follow-up on that. I'm assuming the advertiser must sell the product in some quantity otherwise the ad. wouldn't be running for so long o_O
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The principle was developed in ww2 because the aircraft we gave the Russians wouldn't run on crap Russian fuel.
I run old bikes and just use super unleaded
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If a car manufacturer could get an improvement in MPG, would they decide not to?
There are lots of additives on the market, when tested they were found to reduce engine performance and fuel economy by as much as 2mpg.
Whilst thanking everyone for their responses I note that my initial question remains unanswered, has anyone actually TRIED the product?
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