Bojo Drops £30k minimum wage for Immigrants

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Let the Visa Wars begin. What did silly Brexiteers expect? You will not get less migration but what you will certainly have less of is worker rights. Own it.

Boris Johnson will scrap a £30,000 minimum salary threshold for immigrants arriving after Brexit under his plans for an Australian-style points system.

The prime minister’s approach is in stark contrast to that of his predecessor, Theresa May, who prompted a cabinet revolt after insisting on the income rule despite concerns that it would deter skilled workers.

Migration Watch UK, the campaign group, has warned that the number of migrants coming to Britain could rise sharply under a points-based system.

The Migration Advisory Committee, an independent body, will publish a report next week on how the new points-based system would work and the government is then expected to publish its white paper in March. The aim is for the system to be introduced immediately at the end of the Brexit transition period in December.
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Give up. You’ve lost. No need for project fear anymore, Brexit is going ahead whatever you say.
Give up. You’ve lost. No need for project fear anymore, Brexit is going ahead whatever you say.

The brexit you were sold and voted for is not going ahead.
The reason is that it was a lie and undeliverable.
Give up. You’ve lost. No need for project fear anymore, Brexit is going ahead whatever you say.

This is Brexit, Own it. You won. Let the immgrants come. Why are you blaming others for this when this is what you voted for.
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This is Brexit, Own it. You won. Let the immgrants come. Why are you blaming others for this when this is what you voted for.

Mottie voted to have more immigrants of the type he doesnt like.
It makes sense. We've always had and always wanted lower paid immigrants because of the low pay for some jobs. Carers and cleaners for example. The main effect is to drive down wages and costs. Now we're closing the door to EU workers we'll have to open it to non EU workers.

But since they're a net benefit to the country and my industry is used to it, im fine with it. Roll on more immigration.
It makes sense. We've always had and always wanted lower paid immigrants because of the low pay for some jobs. Carers and cleaners for example. The main effect is to drive down wages and costs. Now we're closing the door to EU workers we'll have to open it to non EU workers.

But since they're a net benefit to the country and my industry is used to it, im fine with it. Roll on more immigration.

I am sure you have tales of the countless IT outsource success stories....................:p
Give up. You’ve lost. No need for project fear anymore, Brexit is going ahead whatever you say.

Yeah this is what you believe:

If we can't get our lazy feckless home grown spawn to do the work, we have no choice but to import workers. The benefits and money to be made from largely ignored criminal activity means there is not much hope of that.
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If we can't get our lazy feckless home grown spawn to do the work, we have no choice to import workers. The benefits and money to be made from largely ignored criminal activity means there is not much hope of that.
usual drivel from hate

hate disapproves of war veterans asking for help because of PTSD -he thinks thy are lazy feckless spongers.
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