Rees-Mogg seeks braying ninnies

It wont be that close to the wire, I suspect talks will be abandoned in June.
yes but you don't have an understanding of the issues that will result from leaving the single market and regulatory divergence on the UK economy.

You think its just a 'bit of paperwork'. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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NHS is devolved to Wales and the Labour Government here has made an even worse hash of it.

Lol. Perhaps if the UK government didn't take their tests away.

The current Government is the one in power. Your only defence is conjecture- pretty much proves your argument is weak.
Lol. Perhaps if the UK government didn't take their tests away.

The current Government is the one in power. Your only defence is conjecture- pretty much proves your argument is weak.

Health spending is devolved to the Welsh Government which is led by Labour, NHS Wales are so appalling that Welsh people have bought caravans in England in order to access NHS treatment outside of Wales.

Anyway Gal, you seem to be preoccupied with Covid testing numbers of late, why don't you tell us how the Welsh testing numbers are doing under a Labour Govt.
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Health spending is devolved to the Welsh Government which is led by Labour, NHS Wales are so appalling that Welsh people have bought caravans in England in order to access NHS treatment outside of Wales.

Anyway Gal, you seem to be preoccupied with Covid testing numbers of late, why don't you tell us how the Welsh testing numbers are doing under a Labour Govt.
You may or may not have a point about NHS performance, but testing is all handled centrally isn't it?
Lol. Perhaps if the UK government didn't take their tests away.

The current Government is the one in power. Your only defence is conjecture- pretty much proves your argument is weak.

There has been a lot of bullshit and negativity on how the CV19 crisis has been managed by the Tory Government in England, you don’t have to look far to see how Labour has screwed their own management in Wales.

When the virus was first declared by WHO. NHS England did not consider it a major problem….neither did NHS Wales.

Whilst Boris was getting grief about achieving 100,000 tests per day in England, Wales set themselves a target of only 9000 tests per day by the Labour leader. The Welsh Health Minister then stated that the target was only 5000 tests per day by the middle of April. Before the end of April that target was then dropped with daily tests of only 700 a day being achieved by end April.

Over the last week, England have achieved between 90,000 – 133,000 tests whilst in Wales it was between 956 – 1421.

Civil Servants working as key workers at DWP were informed by letter that if they showed any symptoms of CV, they were to travel to England for testing!!!! Policy was changed when it made media headlines.

Tests being conducted in North Wales were being analysed in Cardiff (3hr drive), as officials refused to use an English lab across the border (1hr drive)

In England, key workers can go online and request a test. Here in Wales there is still no system in place for certain key workers to be tested. Our testing is arranged via the employer, but when I raised the matter with my boss, the response was NHS Wales have yet to confirm testing arrangements for non NHS staff (despite the DWP incident).

Care homes are not managed by NHS England, but they are in Wales. Until recently, the Welsh government would not allow patients leaving hospital to be tested for CV19, resulting in major contaminations.

On lockdown, NHS Wales advised those who displayed CV symptoms to phone 111. But the facility did not exist in many parts of North Wales.

750,000 volunteers were signed up by NHS England, but Wales achieved far fewer as it wasn’t fully publicised here. Most found out about it by watching the BBC news.

In March, NHS Wales issued letters advising the elderly and medically vulnerable to shield themselves for 12 weeks. Unfortunately 16,000 letters were issued to the WRONG addresses. Even this week people are complaining that they are still getting wrong letters.

Boris has been critisized for the lack of PPE. NHS England had stock piles but not in the numbers for a pandemic. On being asked the question of what PPE stocks NHS Wales had in support….the answer was NONE.

Labour has been incompetent in Wales, but as the Welsh media are not as harsh as the English media, it always appears that its all Boris' fault.
Health spending is devolved to the Welsh Government which is led by Labour, NHS Wales are so appalling that Welsh people have bought caravans in England in order to access NHS treatment outside of Wales.

Anyway Gal, you seem to be preoccupied with Covid testing numbers of late, why don't you tell us how the Welsh testing numbers are doing under a Labour Govt.

You make stuff up as you go along Doris style.
Tests being conducted in North Wales were being analysed in Cardiff (3hr drive), as officials refused to use an English lab across the border (1hr drive)

To be fair, I'd rather do the 3hr drive, done it a few times, stunning.
You may or may not have a point about NHS performance, but testing is all handled centrally isn't it?

Wales has the lowest % covid death rate in the UK and the highest % that finished up in hospital. Testing lower than England but rather smaller population.
Do you believe a Labour government would have managed the coronovirus any better? That was the question.


You'll never get a straight answer. That's not how it works. Fab four only have criticism (not defending Johnson/govt), they have no answers.

Only alternative at the ballot box was Jezza. But even the loony left on here won't put him forward as a better alternative.

You'll never get a straight answer. That's not how it works. Fab four only have criticism (not defending Johnson/govt), they have no answers.

Only alternative at the ballot box was Jezza. But even the loony left on here won't put him forward as a better alternative.
The thing is, you'll never know, because (obviously) only one person got into No. 10, so we wouldn't know how anyone else would deal with it.

But what we do know is that this bunch of Tories are making a right royal pig's ear of things.

I don't know why supporters of this lot cannot allow themselves to be critical of Kim Yong Johnson.

I have supported various politicians down the years, but I have never been so spectacularly blinded to their faults that I was unable to judge that they were doing the wrong thing.
Labour controlled NHS Wales are testing less than 5000 per day which is shocking. No wonder the Welsh are still under full lockdown whilst England are able to start relaxing theirs.
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