Blacks, statues, history, sticking heads in sand, whites, etc, etc

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20 Aug 2009
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United Kingdom
Why was the topic on historic statues closed?

There seems to be a trend on deleting history, pretending things didn't happen.

And it's these people that forget the world and it's attitudes have changed, AND ARE STILL FOREVER changing.

You can't change history, but you can learn from it.

That's why they teach it in schools.

You shouldn't censor history, or try to destroy it. That's ignorance, and an insult to all the heroes and significant characters who tried to do some good in their time.

Schools in Germany try to hide certain aspects in history. History lessons don't include the years 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. Censorship.

Censorship encourages protests.

No doubt there many World War statues that will be removed or vandalised because there will be some 'racist' connection.

Is there a statue of Prince Phillip? He was always putting his foot in it with some racist (or 'racist') comment.
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The lwr are emulating the zealotry of the taliban and isis.
Erase history by erasing the statues.
Their latest charge is that the statues glorify past wrongs.
Dumb lwr.
I suggest we demolish the pyramids and everything Egyptian as they used slaves to build them.
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We are well and truly living in Orwell's 1984 with all the newspeak and doublespeak from BBC Brainwashing House, and The Ministry of Truth renaming the streets and pulling down the statues.

"He who controls the past controls the future" is actually happening, how prescient Orwell was, but don't forget how the book ends:

"If you want a vision of the future imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever"

Churchill and a few other great men stopped that boot for a while. Now they say he did wrong.
As has been said, on an earlier thread, they were not slaves.
So everything I've ever seen in books and documentaries is just a big lie???
I am quite happy that these builders were living in luxury thanks to the generosity of the pharaohs.
And I was so stupid to believe history books.
Silly me.
So everything I've ever seen in books and documentaries is just a big lie???
I am quite happy that these builders were living in luxury thanks to the generosity of the pharaohs.
And I was so stupid to believe history books.
Silly me.

Please do some research, it's all out there, you are mistaken.
I think the thread was closed because it became the notch show with everyone's points of view twisted to imply they were racist and thought slavery was great.

Any decent points were scrubbed over swiftly and insults flung.

This is how pretty much all threads that involves notch and bobby dazzler (I'm sure they are the same account) end.
Please do some research, it's all out there, you are mistaken.
Out of curiosity I googled it and seen the article about "labourers" being given a tomb next to the pharaoh.
The most stupid and useless cover up from Egyptian snowflakes trying to distance themselves from their "relatives" of 5000 years ago.
I can't stop laughing :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Out of curiosity I googled it and seen the article about "labourers" being given a tomb next to the pharaoh.
The most stupid and useless cover up from Egyptian snowflakes trying to distance themselves from their "relatives" of 5000 years ago.
I can't stop laughing :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Yeah there was labourers purposely sealed inside (I think to counter theft from memory, been a long time since I was at school, amdband can't be arsed to Google) but it's ok they weren't slaves......
Schools in Germany try to hide certain aspects in history. History lessons don't include the years 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. Censorship.
Absolute b ollox...

They teach the history of the holocaust and the world wars far more extensively than in the UK.

It is compulsory, and in addition most of their students have visited a holocaust museum or concentration camp

Many school kids in the UK take history trips to Germany to research this.

You've just regurgitated more fake news from Germany/EU haters!
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This is how pretty much all threads that involves notch and bobby dazzler (I'm sure they are the same account) end.
Yes, Its terribly sad when you and and others use logical fallacies as your counter argument -then throw your toys out of the pram when its pointed out.
Yes, Its terribly sad when you and and others use logical fallacies as your counter argument -then throw your toys out of the pram when its pointed out.

To note I have never thrown my toys out the pram, I have only ever debated, like yourself non the other hand, whom always let's emotions get into A healthy debate when others simply don't agree.

I have seen many many of your posts in various threads not just the specific ones I've been involved with and the outcome is always the same. You are self righteous and according to your own personal law only you alone with Bobby dazzler are always unequivocally correct at all times even when your just plain wrong. If any body points out you are wrong you jump on them and try shout them down or you just completely ignore what was written but pick out the small snippet you can twist for your own gain.

That is not debate, debate is a good thing however you do not debate and if you think you do then you are terrible at it.
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