Need advice making a wood frame for inside my shed


18 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I'm in the middle of making a frame to sit inside my shed.
The intention is to store bikes under and have storage space above.

I've made a start, but what I have is wonky forwards and backwards.
(Sideways not wonky at all!)
See picture below:


I've asked 2 people and they've told me I need some diagnols to give support.
I've done some research on youtube and the below is what I'm thinking of.
I was hoping someone could give me some thoughts what the best version is.
In each, I've only shown one side - just to illustrate.


This one, I've been told is best - but the problem is, I'm not sure how best to make the cross.


This one, I can do. But is it strong enough?


Is it best to have the vertical?
I'm guessing not as good as the cross - but is it close enough??
IMPORTANT: if I go for this version, does it matter which way the v is? Would it be better to have upside down??

The front needs to be open.
The last person I asked said I need to have a piece of wood coming down the middle. This is OK.

Looking for some advice on what to do.


EDIT: Just noticed the vertical beam on the right hand side back looks as though it's on top. Ignore that.
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Thanks for the replies guys.

Are you talking about something like this:

I could only draw in 2 corners on one side.
I'm using Powerpoint to make my drawings and it's hard to make odd objects.

I don't understand why the ply/orb is important?
Could I add a beam? Adding a beam is a lot easier for me - I can just add to the side.
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@Mottie I've got the wood.
JUST about to start cutting!
I was thinking of doing this on all sides:


I need it to be strong enough for me to get on top of.
Would a cross be better than the design I am thinking of?
I needed to stop some wobble on my vegetable nets. Just a few battens secured it all.

You're a star.
I have plenty of left over bits of wood - so that design seems a lot better!
EDIT: one serious consideration... should I make it a V shape as shown... or make it upside down? I can't work out which would be better?

And for gawds sake...! Why did you have to send me that pic??
That's going to be my next mission now. Looks awesome.

What are the yellow bendy pipes? Where can I buy from?
I would say just do two opposite corners and see how it works. If not, just do the other corners as well.

Gas and water pipes I found left over after streets gas/ water mains had been replaced. You can buy it in plumbing supply shops.
Don’t understand why you built a frame to store bikes under? Serves no purpose?
Oh it does- if the framework is strong enough the op can win some storage space. Manual handling nightmare doing all that lifting at arms length but space is valuable....
Oh it does- if the framework is strong enough the op can win some storage space. Manual handling nightmare doing all that lifting at arms length but space is valuable....
What space?Frame wastes space as it’s unnecessary, a high shelf could be created without a frame and make better use of space .
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