It’s all your fault if you are a man

Maybe we should involve the Catholic Church. They only like boys......
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Maybe we should just stick to the subject - women and how they can be protected or protect themselves.

No it's not all about them.. how many kids are dieing on Londons streets how many kids are being groomed into drug gangs. How many of those women protesting take drugs.

It's about our streets being safe for all of us.


The black lives matter and women matter are not saying all lives don't matter.

What they are saying is black lives matter too and women's lives matter too.
The black lives matter and women matter are not saying all lives don't matter.

What they are saying is black lives matter too and women's lives matter too.

What's next Notch? Bus drivers lifes matter?
All men should have to ware some type of arousal alarm when in public

If it’s triggered than a siren sounds or some type of warning light

there after he is immediately arrested or he gets a good kicking
Or both :cool:
The sale of mucky books / magazines banned from sale in news agents

random police powers to stop any bloke and check there mobile phones

any porn images found will result in there immediate arrest and they would be sent to a specialist re education camp :cool:
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