Very slow startup.

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have two laptops with the same problem.

Both about 10 y.o. and running Windows 10 and kept updated.

Both using AVG antivirus and tuneup.

When switching on, they both come up with the four icons at bottom right and then take about 15 to 20 minutes to get to the select user login stage.

Both units exactly the same!

Any ideas?
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Win10 is too bulky for a laptop that age. Grab the Linux Mint operating system (free) and breath new life into them
Do the PC's get hot (hotter than they used to)?

If so then the CPU's are on the way out. Definately try Linux - any Distro, CW has suggested 'Mint', I'd suggest Ubuntu.
OK will look into that.

I think that they used to be ok but perhaps all these windows updates have become too much for it?

So what processor type/speed can run Windows 10 reliably?
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They do not seem to run any hotter than they used to.
Have the laptop fans and airways been cleaned recently?
That kit deffo too old for Win10... unless you're a masochist

May I suggest MXLinux or ZorinOS... both a really familiar environment to using Windows.

..and prepare to be amazed.. seriously... I know I was!

ps.. I am no techie expert.. am still using Win7 and gradually moving over to Linux

Feel free to PM me.. Linux terminology (even the install) can be very intimidating if yer coming from Windows... as a long-term Win user who is still getting to grips with Linux.. I'd be happy to help get you up an running! :)
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OK will look into that.

I think that they used to be ok but perhaps all these windows updates have become too much for it?

So what processor type/speed can run Windows 10 reliably?

It's not the processor you need to be worried about... Win10 is unreliable in itself.. hence so many updates.. ;)
Oh ffs its because of the disk speed not the OS per se. Talk to someone in the know and fit an SSD drive.

Using Linux Mint Centos Debian Ubuntu or whatever is nice, more stable but wayyy less friendly than Windows, dont do it if you don't know the difference.
AVG will slow it down substantially and can be difficult to get rid of. It's also worth checking what it is loading in at boot time, but pressing CTRL + Alt+ Del. A 10 year old will be slow, but 15/20 minutes is completely ridiculous.
As has been mentioned, remove the AVG,

I personally haven't run with anti virus on windows 10 since it was introduced just rely on the windows security.

Also switch over to a solid state drive.

Linux in all its forms is not the same as windows and not all software is compatible.
As has been mentioned, remove the AVG,


I personally haven't run with anti virus on windows 10 since it was introduced just rely on the windows security.

Yep, but I had forgotten that - it's very good, free and well integrated into Win10 - there is hardly any overhead to running it.

Also switch over to a solid state drive.

I have heard they can make a massive improvement to speed of loading, though I have never tried one. A bit of investigation suggests they are much more expensive per Mb than a normal HDD and they will not tolerate as many write cycles as a normal HDD, they basically wear out much quicker.
I have heard they can make a massive improvement to speed of loading, though I have never tried one. A bit of investigation suggests they are much more expensive per Mb than a normal HDD and they will not tolerate as many write cycles as a normal HDD, they basically wear out much quicker.

The speed is night and day, I had a similar problem to the op, and my laptop is around 7 years old now (possibly older).

The reliability bis now pretty much a thing of the past stick to trusted brands such as crucial or Samsung and you shouldn't have any issues.

All our computers and laptops at work have solid state drives and have done for around 10 years, they really do make a difference to the productivity, and the cost of the drive is far outweighed by the cost of new pc/laptop with the latest processor. Pretty much all the PC at work are 7 years old and very middle of the road processors.

The cost of SSD is drastically reducing as time goes on. Think I bought my 500gb drive for £80 2 years ago, there now around £60
As already said - install an SSD. Read/ write cycles will not kill it in your lifetime - at lest as long as a mechanical HD! Speed improvement has stunned users whom I have installed an SSD for - avaiding replacement of PC.
Certainly look into installing an SSD drive. My PC, and all my laptops have SSD drives. If you are running any programs which are written in Visual Basic (or Visual Studio like Foxpro, or Visual C) then Linux is not an option - VB/VS just will not run on Linux (unless anyone else knows different). Windows 10 is, in my opinion a HORRIBLE operating system, it takes over the PC and does things no self-respecting Admin would ever permit. If I could find a really good compiler which would allow me to recompile all my VB programs for Linux, and have all the printer driver(s) I need, then Windows would be history!
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