Boris Johnson : Let the Bodies pile high in their thousands

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Boris Johnson: 'Let the bodies pile high in their thousands'. PM's incendiary remark during fight over lockdowns is latest claim in No10 drama - amid spectacular row with Cummings

It's so ironic the Tory bots are out in force telling us not to believe everything we read in the papers when they have been believing everything this rag has been writing for the last 30 years.

A public that is so misinformed and manipulated.
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Not sure where you are going with that old fella. Do me a favour and keep stalking Lal. :p
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He squeaked about it this morning.

What? Bojo denied it?

There are supposed to be tapes. I suppose they are waiting for the denial and then the tapes will drop but even then it wouldn't bother you. :mrgreen:
It does seem like Gove is behind this which if it transpires he is, just shows how pathetic our form of Government and democracy has become.

The power of the media to shape and influence our Governments. An unelected bunch that have done far more harm than people realise to the public discourse and sentinment.
It does seem like Gove is behind this which if it transpires he is, just shows how pathetic our form of Government and democracy has become.

The power of the media to shape and influence our Governments. An unelected bunch that have done far more harm than people realise to the public discourse and sentinment.
And just to think, that's what the same people and the dumb portion of the electorate electorate think about the EU :rolleyes:

Our form of 'democracy' and archaic electoral system makes for one of the most corrupt government ruling systems (of any party) around!
whether he said it or not we will likely never know, a case of he said, she said - and we know neither can be trusted.

however regarding Cummings, why dont he just crawl back into the hole he came from. One thing i did find amusing in that story was this

He (Dom Cummings) tweeted over the weekend that the failure to introduce travel bans more quickly was ‘a very important issue re: learning from the disaster - this coming from the person who broke covid rules and then made up some long winded fake story
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And just to think, that's what the same people and the dumb portion of the electorate electorate think about the EU :rolleyes:

Our form of 'democracy' and archaic electoral system makes for one of the most corrupt government ruling systems (of any party) around!
In your world perhaps, but not in the real world. You really are OTT today.
What does that even mean? Is that some reference to ... oops, nearly. :sneaky:
Oops,nearly what?
Plus with all due respect I’d rather limit the amount of replies to you as much as possible as multiple people have now called you out for stalking and I’m one of the ones being stalked by yourself.
So I think it’s best we keep to the topic in hand regarding this thread as I’m sure your wrists are still abit sore ;)
Our form of 'democracy' and archaic electoral system makes for one of the most corrupt government ruling systems (of any party) around!
Please tell us the last minister to be found out and jailed for taking kickbacks worth millions or billions if the system is as bad as you say.
Please tell us the last minister to be found out and jailed for taking kickbacks worth millions or billions if the system is as bad as you say.
Corrupt governments protect corrupt ministers.
A corrupt minister damages the government and that can't be allowed to happen.
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