What have the Germans ever done for us?

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"A team of German scientists believe that they have worked out why some people given the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines against Covid-19 develop blood clots – and claim they can tell the manufacturers how to improve the vaccine to avoid it. The key is in the adenovirus – the common cold virus that is used to deliver the spike protein of the coronavirus into the body, say Rolf Marschalek, a professor at Goethe university in Frankfurt, and colleagues"

But the biggest ever human medical experiment continues...

"The scientists in a pre-print which has not undergone peer review say they believe the problem lies in the entry of the adenovirus into the nucleus of the cell rather than the just the cellular fluid, where the virus normally makes proteins."

“The adenovirus life cycle includes the infection of cells … entry of the adenoviral DNA into the nucleus, and subsequently gene transcription by the host transcription machinery,”

I thought our DNA wasn't supposed to be altered/affected by this jab?

Well not mine anyway!
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Your choice. Great news if the AZ vaccine can be tweaked to reduce the clotting risk.

309 people out of 32 Million (up to 12th May) got a blood clot after having the vaccine. That a 0.001% chance. Of the people that got a blood clot, 56 people died. That's a 0.0002% chance.

In the UK 4.47Million people have tested positive for covid. Of those 4.47M, 128,000 died with covid. That's a death rate of 2.8%. I know we probably overestimate the number of deaths in the UK, but if you look at the same numbers worldwide, the death rate is 2.1%.

Which odds would you prefer? A 0.0002% chance of dying or a 2.1% chance of dying.

If you don't want to take it because you think your DNA is going to get changed or you're going to be forever tracked by Bill Gates, that's your choice.

Personally, I think that every person in this country that has the vaccine is protecting those around them and bringing the country ever closer to normality and i thank them for it.
The MHRA said that up to March 31, across the UK, it had received 79 reports of blood clots accompanied by low blood platelet count,all in people who had their first dose of the Oxford vaccine, out of around 20 million doses. Of these 79, a total of 19 had died, although it has not been established what the cause was in every case. Of the 19 who died, three were under 30.

So you have a 1 in a million chance of dying from the AZ vaccine and that's without ruling out the other possible causes. I'm sure you will find google can help you identify the risk of dying from taking over the counter pain killers etc.

It is also treatable, which is why they have changed the rollout process.
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No, you would prefer to get ill from Covid.
So you'd prefer to get jabbed with untested experimental jabs?

What happens if in a few years time your forehead grows a small dick?

Who are you going to blame?
So you'd prefer to get jabbed with untested experimental jabs?

What happens if in a few years time your forehead grows a small dick?

Who are you going to blame?

I'd blame for turning him on.
So you'd prefer to get jabbed with untested experimental jabs?

What happens if in a few years time your forehead grows a small dick?

Who are you going to blame?

What happens if this year, or next year, you catch a preventable disease and die?

You won't be blaming anybody.

But perhaps you will curse your own stupidity before you go,
I had my first jab last Sunday, next in August.

Looking forward when we get back to some form of normality.
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